NCLB Waiver for CORE Districts: Overview and Key Activities September 2013
How does this support LAUSD, specifically? Creates infrastructure to support collaboration across schools and districts to build knowledge and share practices in support of our students becoming college and career-ready Aligns with our district initiative to support the Common Core roll-out Aligns with our district initiatives to support Teacher and Leadership development and evaluation Creates a new accountability system that: – recognizes performance growth – over time will base evaluation of school performance on multiple measures, including academics, social/emotional factors and school culture and climate factors – captures positive or negative changes in school achievement gaps – invites shared responsibility of accountability across and within districts
Three Principles of the Waiver Principle IPrinciple IIPrinciple III College- and Career-Ready Expectations for All Differentiated Recognition, Accountability and Support Supporting Effective Instruction and Leadership
Principle II: Accountability System New Metrics New Classifications for school New supports and required program activities
Elimination of Disparity and Disproportionality Principle II: Accountability System Metrics
Required Program Activities
7 Turnaround Principles
Building Knowledge and Getting Feedback Central Convenes Reward, Focus, Priority – October 4 th 9:00 at Saldivar Conference Room at ESC East for Reward Schools – Tentative October 9 th (location TBD) for Priority – Tentative October 15 th for Priority – Tentative October 22 nd for Focus – Tentative October 23 rd for Support Consultation Template- getting feedback?
Getting feedback from you… Please take 5 minutes to write on the handout: 1)What opportunities do you see? 2)What challenges/concerns do you have?
CONTACTS Please advise schools to send questions to TopicInterim Contact Person to use Principle 1Caroline Principle 2: Parent Communication Rowena Principle 2: SPSAAlice Principle 2: Program Activities Monique Principle 2: DataJulianna Principle 2: BudgetDebbie Ernst and Kathy Norris Principle 3Karissa General Stakeholder Engagement Angel Not sure?Julianna