Mission: The Hancock Central School District believes that every child can learn and challenges all students to reach their full potential in a caring and supportive atmosphere. Our school and community partnership establishes high expectations for achievement and opportunities to develop the social, emotional, physical and intellectual well-being of every student – 2018 Strategic Plan Performance Measure Target Grade 4 – 8 ELA all students: mean growth percentile (MGP*) Grade 4 – 8 Math all students: MGP Regents commencement exams: % cohort > 65 (4 yrs) % cohort graduating (4 yrs) % cohort graduating and >75% ELA and > 80% Math (4 yrs) % cohort drop out (5 yrs) <5 % average daily attendance n/a 96 % graduates enrolling in 2- or 4-yr colleges, other post-secondary or the military % Gr enrolled in college credit-bearing courses % enrolled in college classes earning credit % Gr participating in >=1 co- curricular activity Hancock Central School District * See page 3 for explanation of MPG.
Immediate priorities: apply significant focus, resource and attention: Identify and implement PK - 12 strategies to effectively educate rural students in poverty. Encourage the use of formative assessment data to improve instruction by providing professional development, formative assessments and analytic tools. Strengthen inter-disciplinary collaboration with a focus on academic vocabulary and “Read Around the Text/Restate Answer Use the Text” (RATT) strategies: maintain focus and effort Improve the effective implementation of RTI and SST with a continued emphasis on dropout prevention. Continue to monitor and align to the ELA, Math and new Social Studies Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) with the support of district administration, the Collaboration for Success Teams and the Instructional Leadership Team. Maintain and expand participation in college-credit bearing and AP courses. Continue to build student technology readiness and ensure that district technology and training supports student on-line learning and testing. Report and comprehensively track all student participation in the district’s co-curricular activities Grades 7 – 12, ensuring that all activities are included. Implement supports for the statutory revisions to the APPR.
* Mean Growth Percentile (MGP): The district’s planning team has decided to replace Gr. 3 – 8 proficiency targets with growth targets using the state’s Mean Growth Percentile (MGP). The MGP is a measure of student growth year to year for similar students from grades 3 – 8 using a scale from The MGP includes consideration of SWDs and economically disadvantaged student characteristics. Note: Gr. 3 is a baseline year so there is no growth score for those students. An MGP between 60 and 100 represents growth that is well above the state average for similar students. An MGP between 46 and 59 represents growth that is equal to the state average for similar students. An MGP between 43 and 45 represents growth that is below the state average for similar students. An MGP between 1 and 42 represents growth that is well below the state average for similar schools. The state has a short video describing how student growth scores are calculated. Below is Hancock’s trend for Gr. 3 – 8 NYS ELA & Math assessment proficiency.video Performance Measure2013State avg 2014State avg Grade 3 – 8 ELA: % proficient Grade 3 – 8 Math: % proficient