OBJ: Given videos, notes, activity sheet SWBAT explain the importance of the six nutrients, calorie and metabolism within the human body with 70% accuracy. BRING IN TEXTBOOK DN: Hand-in Digestion Lab write-up (including Paper Model) and Hand in NYSSAE 2008 Exam scantron (Full Name); Videos: Six Major Nutrients, Calories & Nutrition ACT: Introduction to Food and Energy (Six Nutrients, Metabolism, Calorie) Text, read p ; Work on Food and Energy Activity Sheet; Review and Reinforce, p HW: Complete Food and Energy Activity Sheet; Complete SMSD Review Sheets; SMSD Exam, this Wednesday, Feb 25.
Food and Energy Notes Food: provides the materials for energy, growth and repair of tissues. Calorie: amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. Metabolism: represents the sum of all chemical reactions that takes place within an organism. Nutrients: substances in food that provide the raw materials and energy the body needs to carry out all vital processes. There are six (6) nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water. Human Body: ~ 60-70% water
Food and Energy Notes Carbohydrates: major source of quick energy; provides the raw materials to make parts of cells Fats: stored energy. Fats form part of the cell membrane and fatty tissue protects and supports your internal organs and insulates your body. Brain Development Protein: needed for tissue growth and repair/maintenance (ex: muscle). Proteins play a role in chemical reactions within the cell (= enzymes).
Food and Energy Notes Vitamins and Minerals are needed in small amounts to carry out chemical reactions. Water is important because the chemical reactions take place in water; blood flows due to water; joints lubricated by water; body temperature is regulated by water (perspiration/sweat).
Carbohydrates Simple: candy, fruits, milk Complex: Breads, Rice, Pasta, Crackers
Protein Meat, Fish, Eggs, Beans, Seeds, Nuts