+ Placer MHSA Integrated 3 Year Planning—Further Conversations July 1, June 31, 2017
Agenda Update MHSA planning efforts & timeline Review RFP process / framework Update “Innovation” Planning Next steps
+ Review of Planning Elements & Requirements 3-year plan (2014 – 2017) Based on unspent funds + estimated revenues from State Stakeholder process Representatives from the County’s constituency groups (CCW Steering) Involvement in: mental health policy, program planning & implementation, monitoring, quality improvement, evaluation & budget allocations Draft plan circulated for 30 days for public comment (Jan. 2014)
Review of Campaign Structure Four committees/Representatives: Promote Mental Health Awareness – Anno Nakai Outreach and Stigma Reduction—Jennifer Price MHSA Implementation – Janice Leroux Workforce, Education and Training(WET)—Lisa Sloan 2 Mental Health Authority Reps. – Maureen Bauman and Richard Knecht Campaign Facilitators—Katrina Moser/Christi Meng Leadership Team: Decisional Team, based on input and guidance from this CCW Steering committee
Review of Current MHSA Elements Community Services & Supports Community Services & Supports Prevention & Early Intervention Prevention & Early Intervention Innovation Cap Fac. & Tech Full Service Prt. Systems Transf. Crisis Triage Lake Tahoe Ready for Success Bridges to Wellness Bye Bye Blues West Slope(PCF) Tahoe(TTCF) 5 Large Projects Housing Ongoing One-Time (CSS) 75%20% 5% WET
Current Process and Timeline Target Pop. + Outcomes Outcomes& Target Pops. Outcomes& Target Pops. Strategies & Programs/RFP framework Draft Plan Steering Ideas Asset survey Determine which activities move forward Framework for programs Staff maps To Budget Eval. Current Programs Eval. Current Programs Steering Rec. Leadership Team decisional Gaps AprilMarch Dec. Sept January 2014 Framework For Priorities Aug “Survey” For Review Process Decisions Funding strategies Oct - Dec. Brainstorm Innovation + Planning Innovation + Planning May/June
Total Dollars for *Note for Innovation Dollars $325k recommended to fund current large innovation programs ($200k PEI and $125k CSS) Ongoing Dollars Current Expenditures 13/14 New Ongoing Dollars Total Dollars CSS$5.2 million$4.2 million$9.4 million PEI$1.2 million$1.5 million$2.7 million Innovation*$700 thousand$730 thousand
+ Update PEI and CSS Budgeting, Planning and County Request for Proposal Process (RFP)
Community Services and Supports
Prevention and Early Intervention
General Allocation Framework - CSS Full Service Partnerships (55%) (Based on Evaluation and CCW Recommendations) Residential Facility OutreachExpand HomelessExpand High Acuity (TAY, Adult, Older Adult)Expand Co-OccurringBASE ChildrenExpand Persistent SMI/SED- Housing at risk BASE Sub-Total (includes admin)$3,784,000* Intensive Trauma Services$250,000* Incarcerated with SMI Early Psychotic Episode New activity Existing activity moved to new component FONTExpanded services Guidelines: 76% Adult, TAY, Older Adult 24% Children *Subtotal Includes Intensive Trauma Service Model
General Allocation Framework - CSS System Transformation Welcome Center/Cirby ClubhouseBASE Peer/Family SupportExpand Transitional EmployeesBASE Integrated Behavioral HealthBASE TAY/Youth- YES Expand Adult Crisis Response BASE Adult Follow-Up BASE Peer Leadership (W.E.T) Native Services for Incarcerated, Prob, Co-Occuring (Innovation) Sub-Total (includes admin)$2,746,000 Existing activity moved to new component FONTExpanded services
General Allocation Framework - CSS Tahoe Services Bilingual Therapist$79,000 Sub-Total (includes admin)$79,000 Housing (Not in FSP) Peer Supported Transitional (or permanent) Sub-Total (inculdes admin) 155,000 CCW Admin & Facilitation$75,000 New activity Existing activity moved to new component FONTExpanded services
CSS – Budget Projections Detail Annual CSS moving forward $9,400,000 IT,CAP, Housing$1,000,000 WET$385,000 Subtotal:$8,015,000 Evaluation$100,000 CCW Admin & Facilitation$75,000 Subtotal$7,840,000 Existing System Transformation $2,746,000 Existing FSP $3,784,000 Subtotal: $1,310,000 Of $1.3m Funds Available FSP*$1,000,000 Systems Transformation$600,000 * FSP funds higher to account for medical revenue
General Allocation Framework - PEI Ready for Success Incredible Years Functional Family Therapy Transition to Independence Native Services Latino Services Sub-Total$625,000 Services for TAY/Youth School Based Services Existing activities, combined components New activity FONTExpanded services
General Allocation Framework - PEI Bye Bye Blues Maternal Depression Expand ASIST Training BASE Sub-Total $160,000 Older Adult New activity FONTExpanded services
General Allocation Framework - PEI Existing activities, combined components Tahoe Services Parenting Services & Supports Latino Services Services & Supports for Youth/TAY Sub-Total$200,000
General Allocation Framework - PEI New activity Bridges to Wellness MHFA TrainingBASE Outreach, Ed, & SDR BASE Sub-Total$115,000 Outreach to Gatekeepers BASE
General Allocation Framework - PEI New activity Direct Professional Services** Sub-Total$800,000 Trauma Focused Services (Not Trauma for 3-5’s) Short Term Interventions Interventions for parent/child MH Early Psychotic Symptoms Services ** Amount not allocated specifically, however, direction is to give priority here.
General Allocation Framework - PEI New activity Evaluation$100,000 Statewide PEI 8%$216,000 Admin (7%)$189,000
PEI – Budget Projection Detail PEI Funding$2,700,000 Ready for Success$625,000 Bye Bye Blues$160,000 Tahoe Services$200,000 Bridges to Wellness$115,000 Direct Services$800,000 Statewide PEI$216,000 Evaluation$100,000 Admin$189,000 Unallocated to existing $295, (approx)
How Funds Are Allocated County / Contract CSS – 50% contract overall Adult FSP’s – 70% contract Children FSP – 40% contract Sys. Trans. – 49 % contract Tahoe % contrac t Innovation 95% contract PEI 90% contract
+ General RFP Requirements All activities must tie directly to those with mental health disorders or those at risk (will be defined) PEI – Clear indication as to whether this is a prevention or early intervention activity How to measure baseline and improvement- what tools, what do they measure, how frequently??? What is intended outcome (that will be measured)? Evaluation plan and costs What are specific interventions? Accessibility (address after hour options, home visiting, geographic considerations, disability access, etc.)
+ RFP Requirements What is target group (identify in RFP if there are specific target groups either required or preferred)? How, as course of business, MH awareness and stigma reduction is addressed (may request small funds for specific events, etc.)? Leveraging of funds and partnerships with community and county services
+ Innovation Update
Mental Health Oversight and Accountability Commission reviewed concepts New staff/slight change in direction Need detail on programs in plan Implications RFP will come after plan is approved (not as part of) Prioritize ideas without use of RFP -- tie to access to underserved Meeting in January— Innovations Planning Final
Next Steps January Innovation meeting MHSA plan circulated for comment February RFP process for MHSA components begins Innovation not included