Ian Bird LHCC Referee meeting 23 rd September 2014
23 September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC2
Pledges vs requests for September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC3
Evolution of requirements 23 September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC4 Estimated evolution of requirements : Actual deployed capacity Line: extrapolation of actual resources Curves: expected potential growth of technology with a constant budget (see next) CPU: 20% yearly growth Disk: 15% yearly growth Higher trigger (data) rates driven by physics needs Based on understanding of likely LHC parameters; Foreseen technology evolution (CPU, disk, tape) Experiments work hard to fit within constant budget scenario
Pledges September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC5 Costs estimated using CERN 2015 budget, ignoring networking
Tier 0 capacity All new capacity is being installed in Wigner Current tender – 2015 capacity -50 PB disk, 750 kHS06 (36 k cores) 1/3 at Meyrin 23 September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC6
23 September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC7
Status First workshop held in April 12 whitepapers produced by the community -Broad agreement on: Goals and Scope Bottom-up vs top-down approach Agreed that should be pragmatic to get started Core group – initial instigators + whitepaper authors have met several times to discuss how to kick-start the foundation Proposed a time-limited leadership team Agreed this team is 2 people + support from the core group -Ensuring representation of key stakeholders Eventually propose a longer term structure and governance model once -Better understand what needs to be done -Better understanding of how it needs to be managed Names have been proposed – waiting for confirmation that they are willing and able to spend time on this 23 September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC8
Initial work of the interim team animate discussions between all stakeholders, provide a system for facilitating information exchange discuss with experiments their needs; where are improvements needed - performance, maintainability, … discuss with existing projects their priorities; what impact can the Foundation have for them collect ideas from the community for starting new projects; what support is needed start to put together a 'programme of work' in time for discussion at the next workshop; look for contributors start to prepare a special session at CHEP 23 September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC9
Collaboration Russian Tier 1 sites -Expect to be acting as full Tier 1s for Run 2 Latin America -Several MoU’s in progress South Africa -Ongoing discussions 23 September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC10
Data privacy Changes in EU laws on protection of personal information -“user consent” is no longer sufficient Need to review and update our AUP and data protection policies BUT: -Currently some of our (WLCG and experiment) information publication is potentially (now) illegal in many European countries -Specific issue affecting xrootd (and sending of monitoring information to sites in US) Technical steps can be taken to remove personal information, relocate end-point to CERN (or EU) -Potential risk of breaking services if sites are required to stop services, data publication, etc. We need to be proactive and address this 23 September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC11
Status of ARGUS support SWITCH has now ZERO effort for ARGUS Contacts with several partners held during the summer with no clear commitment to take over any specific ARGUS component from SWITCH Together with A. Ceccanti and V. Tschopp a twiki has been created identifying ARGUS components and current responsibilities Ian Bird; LHCC 12
ARGUS components Ian Bird; LHCC 13 Component NameResponsibleRPMS PEP client and server (Policy Enforcement Point)None argus-gsi-pep-callout argus-pep-api-c argus-pep-common argus-pep-server argus-pepcli argus-pep-api-java (deprecated) argus-gsi-pep-callout PAP (Policy Administration Point)INFNargus-pap PDP (Policy Decision Point)None argus-pdp argus-pdp-pep-common Config and Monitoring packages None nagios-plugins-argus INFNyaim-argus_server ARGUS EESNIKHEF ees ees-pepd-oh nagios-plugins-ees LCMAPS plugin for Argus NIKHEF lcmaps-plugins-c-pep
Middleware support Concern over lack of support for such a key piece of software Re-inforces the ideas that we must move away from HEP-specific software as far as feasible In this instance discussing with OSG/EGI whether a convergence of efforts is possible Long-term this remains a significant concern 23 September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC14
Other longer term concerns Effort -Operations -Computing and software Operations -Operations team analysing where most operational effort is spent Computing and software -All experiments have raised the concern over the loss of effort as well as concerns over continuity of expertise 23 September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC15
Upgrade tasks See summary slides from SPC last week Preparatory workshop for ECFA meeting - Need to start more active brainstorming activities -How computing models can (significantly) change to need far less computing/storage resources -Do we understand how to optimise the complex distributed system? -One idea is to initiate some modelling activities Needed to understand system optimisation Needed to evaluate potential different models We have lots of data as input! We have the opportunity in Run 2 to potentially test ideas 23 September 2014 Ian Bird; LHCC16