Club Secretary Training 2014-15. Agenda o Review responsibilities o Identify benefits "MyLCI“ provides secretaries o Review role specific "MyLCI“ features.


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Presentation transcript:

Club Secretary Training

Agenda o Review responsibilities o Identify benefits "MyLCI“ provides secretaries o Review role specific "MyLCI“ features and functions Club Secretary and "MyLCI"

Club Leadership Team

Secretary Responsibilities  Keep and maintain accurate club records  Submit monthly reports on-line via MyLCI (i.e. WMMR’s and Service Activities)  Handle all incoming & outgoing correspondence regularly  Submit financials & minutes to the District Governor's team  Co-operate with and be an active member of your Zone  Deliver club records to your successor

"MyLCI" and the Club Secretary  On-line reporting  On-demand membership access and management  Service activity reporting and viewing

"MyLCI" Preview Training Site “MyLCI” Access and Login Site Overview Member Data Functions Add, drop, edit members Create a family unit Access reports “MyLCI” Extras

"MyLCI" Training Site __ May st July 2014














"MyLCI" Extras  Save your work!  Support Centre  Service activity reports

Support Centre :30 AM – 4:30 PM Chicago time Club Secretary and "MyLCI"

“Go for GOAL” Secretary Resources