....innovating clean energy solutions…. Glenn S. Hodes UNEP Risø Center CARBON FINANCE.


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Presentation transcript:

....innovating clean energy solutions…. Glenn S. Hodes UNEP Risø Center CARBON FINANCE

clean energy solutions…. Why a Carbon Market? Regulations, present or anticipated, create constraints on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of governments, firms (e.g. Kyoto Protocol obligates industrial Parties to reduce emissions by avg 5 % below their 1990 emissions over Since GHGs mix in the atmosphere, it does not matter where emissions are reduced Compliance with regulation can be achieved through in-house (“make”) or flexibly through purchase (“buy”) “GHG commodities”. The market has responded to the entry into force of Kyoto and the EU ETS – and is now a real compliance market.

clean energy solutions…. Benefits of Carbon Finance As a new source of private investment for development + public goods, carbon finance offers an unique opportunity to increase private and public investment in clean technologies in developing countries. Between 10-50% of revenue for waste management + renewable energy projects can come from CF. Powerful leverage effect on other FDI. Payment on regular schedule and in hard currency  smoothes cash flow and can securitize critical up-front capital for project construction (e.g. bridge loans). Help increase sustainability and extend the social and community impacts/benefits of typical energy projects

clean energy solutions…. Structure of the Carbon Market Allowance Markets UK ETS EU Emission Trading Scheme Chicago Climate Exchange New South Wales Certificates Project-Based Transactions JI and CDM Voluntary Retail Other Compliance

clean energy solutions…. Annex B Non-Annex B The Kyoto Protocol Assigns GHG emission targets to Annex B countries between 2008 and Flexibility Mechanisms - Joint Imple- mentation - Emissions Allowance Market - Clean Development Mechanism

clean energy solutions…. EU Emissions Trading Scheme Caps over 40% of EU CO 2 emissions 2 phases : and JI and CDM authorized… But NOT LULUCF (review in 2006)

clean energy solutions…. Canada Sectoral covenants under negotiation Domestic carbon market Strategy calls for some use of CDM; could be largest bilateral buyer program

clean energy solutions…. Japan National Policies still in the making Firms and government active on CDM market

clean energy solutions…. USA Policies constraining GHG emissions in various States (e.g., Oregon, Mass., etc.) Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), private allowance market

clean energy solutions…. Kyoto Compliance Gap CERs from CDM projects are in high demand –OECD almost 6.0 Billion tCO 2 below KP target. –Assuming 50% met from domestic measures, projected gap of 3 Billion tons. Less than 20% booked for delivery by But supply market is highly competitive And CDM competes with domestic/internal measures!! –Gains from trade fundamental to carbon market: country mitigation cost curves matter.

clean energy solutions…. Growing Voluntary Market A large and growing number of companies have engaged in programs to reduce their GHG ‘footprint’ absent regulations –Various motivations: corporate responsibility, public relations, strategic positioning, competitive advantage, learning-by-doing, etc. –These firms have large-scale emissions (2002 survey: 18 firms with more CO 2 emissions than France had voluntary targets for 2010) Individuals and Firms have engaged in purchases of carbon credits to be “carbon neutral” (event, corporation, or product) –Example: World Cup, G8 Summit, BA travel

clean energy solutions… State and Trends of the Carbon Market Report Funded by World Bank CF-Assist Program. Based on material provided by Evolution Markets LLC, Natsource LLC, and on interviews with many market players. Limited public information on transactions. Database of 487 project-based transactions (signed or advanced stage of negotiation) + aggregated data on allowance markets Report downloadable from:

clean energy solutions…. Total Value of Contracts over 1 b$ (data in million U.S.$, nominal) (Jan-Apr)

clean energy solutions…. Buyers: European Governments and Firms In percent of volume purchased From Jan.04 to Apr.05

clean energy solutions…. Supply Concentrated In percent of volume sold from January 2004 to April 2005

clean energy solutions….

clean energy solutions…. Prices Depend on Risks (weighted average prices from Jan to April 2005 in U.S.$ per metric tonne of CO 2 e)

clean energy solutions…. Key Price Determinants Guarantee of delivery of registered ERs Creditworthiness of project sponsor Viability of underlying project, and liabilities of seller in case it under-performs ER vintage: pre- or post-2012 Cost of validation and potential certification Host country support or barriers Additional environment and social benefits

clean energy solutions…. Allowance Markets Exploding (in million tCO 2 e) (Jan.-March)

clean energy solutions…. Insights on Price Differential Large price differential: –EU Allowances: 7 up to 25 euros / tCO 2 e (spot and forward contracts) –Project-based: 3 to 7+ dollars / tCO 2 e (forward contracts on expected CERs) Allowances and project-based contracts have very different risk profiles: –Project and country risks: high in CDM, none in allowances –Compliance/regulatory risks: high in CDM, none in allowance –Delivery risks: higher in CDM

clean energy solutions…. Intermediation - a key to success Identify project opportunities at lower cost Get equity and debt financing when the intermediary is a financial institution More effectively design and/or evaluate projects Reduce transaction costs –Example of Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation (IDFC), India, one of the most successful intermediaries agreement with over a dozen opportunities identified/ evaluated –Development Bank of Southern Africa

clean energy solutions…. Conclusions and Caveats Volumes should increase rapidly for CERs … Almost 600 CDM projects already registered or in process of validation. Uncertainties still need to be addressed. –How many allowances will Russia and Ukraine bring to market? –How much volume will CDM deliver? Issue of projects lead-time –Will UN and EU emission registries be fully operational and compatible by 2008 (i.e. extent of arbitrage)?