Jen-Jou Hung DDBC Authority Database Web Services & Widgets Jen-Jou Hung Assistant Professor Dharma Drum Buddhist College PNC/ECAI 2009 ( ) A Data-Sharing/Integrating Idea A Data-Sharing/Integrating Idea of Digital Archive Projects of Digital Archive Projects
Jen-Jou Hung We have already built up many silos. How to integrate these silos? 2 Digital Archive Projects = Silos?
Jen-Jou Hung 3 Common Portal Site Meta Data
Jen-Jou Hung Main Function: Provide a centralize page for projects, where every project has a well written description, and is well categorized into different category. It is very suitable for interested people to find out projects in need. The Common Portal doesn’t actually integrate projects. It only puts things together. 4 Common Portal Site
Jen-Jou Hung What is in our mind 5 Integration = Data Sharing take data form one digital archive get a content enriched digital archive integrate into other digital archive
Jen-Jou Hung Provide Data on Internet for downloading Database Dump Technical Documents After downloading data understand the structure and logic of downloaded data. write a program to transform the downloaded data into the your data structure. write another program to make sure the transformation does not lost any required information. 6 The Most Common Data-Sharing Way
Jen-Jou Hung 1. Need time to understand data and write programs. 2. data won’t update automatically. To keep data fresh, continually migrating new data dump is required. (static share) 3. Once the data structure of the new release data dump changing, the data migrating program might need to be changed too. 7 The drawback of using data-dump-share
Jen-Jou Hung A better model for sharing data: 1.have an easy way to migrate data into other system 2.independent from the data structure of source data will be automatically updated once the source changed (dynamic share) 8 Dynamic Data Sharing
Jen-Jou Hung Providing data access service instead of only data dump. Project access required data through services No need to understand the complicate structure of data in backend. Always get the newest data. 9 Data Access service Data Data Access Service Access Required Data on demand Data
Jen-Jou Hung Google Map is the most famous example. People use Google map api in a web application to access required map(data) from Google server. Other famous web APIs: 10 Web Services (Web API) 1.YouTube API 2.Google Search API 3.Yahoo Search API 4.Facebook API 5.Flickr API 6.Twitter API
Jen-Jou Hung When digital archives link together(mashup) 11 Digital Archive Networks Request Response Access Multiple Digital Archive at once.
Jen-Jou Hung Easiest way to use DDBC authority database data ( Web service: Annotation Service Widgets: Date Selector Person Selector Place Selector 12 DDBC Authority Database Web Services/Widgets
Jen-Jou Hung Provide annotation for time, person, place entities Only Two Steps: Includes a java-script package reference in your html Mark-up the authority entry with special tag: 13 Annotation Service Demo
Jen-Jou Hung Help web applications to construct Chinese date input facility A web widget, which allows user to specify a period of time by selecting from a set of dropdown boxes which contains detail Chinese calendar data. The widget will send back the begin and the end date in Julian Date number(JDN) format. 14 Date Selector Demo
Jen-Jou Hung 15 Person Selector Demo Help web applications to construct person input facility Allow users input just part of person’s name, and popup a box contains a list of all possible candidates. The return value is the authority id of selected person.
Jen-Jou Hung Demo Help web applications to construct Place input facility A visualization tool which allows user to select a geographical region by drop and draw in a map. 16 Place Selector System will return the coordinates of Top-left and bottom-right points. Provide coordinates of historical Chinese cities.
Jen-Jou Hung 17 Thank you. DDBC Web Services: