Chapter #9 Nutrition
Chapter 9.1 Notes Cells use food for growth and repair. Nutrients are the chemicals in food that cells need. Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food and how your body uses them 6 Nutrients 1. Proteins4. Minerals 2. Fat5. Carbohydrates 3. Vitamins6. Water
1.Proteins are used to build and repair body parts. Make up bone, muscle, skin. (10%) 2.Fat used as a stored energy source. (30%) Butter and oil. 3.Carbohydrates used as energy source (1 st to be used) starches and sugars. (50%) Need the most each day. 4.Vitamins are chemical compounds needed in very small amounts for growth and tissue repair. Allows cells to use carbo and proteins. (Vitamins A, B 1, B 2 (Riboflavin), B 3 (Niacin), C, D) 5.Minerals needed to help form different cell parts. (Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine, Sodium) May cause anemia or muscle twitching if missing. 6.Water human body made of 50-60% water. Cools the body, chemical reactions, carry away body wastes. 2 liters/day.
Balanced diet is a diet with the right amount of each nutrient. Recommended Daily Allowance- RDA or % DV Exercise everyday Food Pyramid diagram that represents all the food groups and how much you should eat.
Chapter 9.2 Notes Calorie is a measure of the energy in food. 1 calorie = the amount of heat it takes to raise the temperature of 1000 grams of water 1 *C Not all food provides the same number of calories. Carbohydrates = proteins
15-18 yrs male = 3000 cal/day yrs female = 2600 cal/ day Taking in too many calories = weight gain Taking in less calories = weight loss
The heavier a person is the more calories they burn because they have to do more work.
“Nutrition Matters.” January 17, “New Food Pyramid.” January 17, “Nutrition Facts.” January 18, “Calories in these items.” January 18, “Calorie Chart.” January 18, g g “Obesity Chart.” January 18, “US Obesity Chart.” January 18, “Medical Complications.” January 18, gif gif