Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Unit 3: Government and Unrest A Study in the Role of the Citizen Case Study: Ancient Greece Essential Questions: How does the geography of a place impact the development of civilizations? Who holds the power? How does this group or person in power keep or lose power? What role should the citizens have in government? Why? Which form of government is most effective? Why? How have debate and diplomacy shaped history?
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Warm-up FULL SENTENCES FOR FULL CREDIT Pericles – On Democracy Read and ANNOTATE (make notes) the excerpt from Greek politician Pericles in which he describes Athenian Democracy How does he describe democracy? How is it similar or different than today’s democracy as you know it?
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Pericles On Democracy How does he describe democracy? How is it similar or different than today’s democracy as you know it?
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection DEMOCRACY Democracy: A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state. Direct Democracy: The whole population or all eligible members of of a state have a say / vote. Representative Democracy – officials are elected to represent the people through voting. Tyranny comes from in Greek “tyrannus” meaning “illegitimate ruler”
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Modern Democracy Representative Democracy – officials are elected to represent the people through voting. Examples United States of America
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Greek Democracy Direct Democracy – each individual votes on each individual issue. The city-state of Athens was a democracy for about a hundred years. The democratic government of Athens rested on three main institutions, and a few others of lesser importance. The three pillars of democracy were: The Assembly of Demos The Council of 500 The People’s Court Supplemented by… the Council of the Areopagus The Archons (servants of the Demos) The Generals (servants of the Demos) Actual legislation involved both the Assembly and the Council and ad hoc boards of “Lawmakers.”
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Simulation #1 ACT OUT ROLES Senators of the Assembly of Demos The Council of 500 The People’s Court The Council of Areopagus The Archons The Generals Non-citizens Slaves 1) Foreign relations (negotiate so as to not go to war with Athens)
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Simulation #2 ACT OUT ROLES Senators of the Assembly of Demos The Council of 500 The People’s Court The Council of Areopagus The Archons The Generals Non-citizens Slaves 2) Food shortage (negotiate so your people don’t starve)
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Simulation #3 ACT OUT ROLES Senators of the Assembly of Demos The Council of 500 The People’s Court The Council of Areopagus The Archons The Generals Non-citizens Slaves 3) Invent or achieve something great (so you and your people will be remembered)
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection REFLECTION * FULL SENTENCES FOR FULL CREDIT Who holds the power in a democracy? What are the advantages/ disadvantages to so many holding all the power? What system is best for each social class? What system do you believe would work best and why?
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection HOMEWORK * Persuasive Speech Project
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Warm-up * FULL SENTENCES FOR FULL CREDIT Would you want to live in a democracy? Why or why not? What are the pros and cons to living in a democracy?
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Simulation Debrief Discuss: Who holds the power in each system? What are the advantages/ disadvantages to so many or so few holding all the power? What system is best for each social class? What system do you believe would work best and why?
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Antigone Read p What THEMES are in the drama/story:
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Antigone Discuss: What does this play teach us about the role of a ruler? What role should a citizen play? Who should be considered a citizen? Are all laws fair? Do citizens have a responsibility to disobey unjust laws? Is the law of god or the law of the land more important? Should you follow your own moral code or the code of law?
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection REFLECTION FULL SENTENCES FOR FULL CREDIT ANSWER 2 QUESTIONS: What role should the ruler play within a society? What role should a citizen play within the society? Should everyone within the society be considered a citizen? Why or why not? Should everyone within the society be treated equally? Why or why not? AND THIS QUESTION: What is the best form of government?
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection Homework Antigone Reading Response Sheet (p ) Characters we’ve met: Creon Teiresias Eurydice Plan for the Persuasive Speech Project!
Daily Question: Is democracy the most effective form of government? Worksheet # AGENDA: 1.Warm-up 2.Discuss: Modern Democracy 3.Discuss: Greek Democracy 4.Simulation 5.Antigone Reading 6.Reflection HOMEWORK Character map Persuasive Speech Project