Growth of Industry Chapter 19 section 1 Railroads lead the way Welcome: Pick up a textbook Pick up a work sheet Pick up a white board and a marker Have out your Chapter 19 intro packet from last class.
Record in your agendas You should begin to study the vocabulary words found on page 2 of your intro to chapter 19 packets. The powerpoint you have a handout for will help you study for that quiz. The quiz will be 10 questions. Dates: a/c- 11/14 b/d- 11/13 Let’s review with our whiteboards!!
Chapter 19 Vocabulary I will give you the definition you give me the …..word I give you the word you give me the…. definition.
Dividends Payment to stockholders from the corporation’s profit.
A way to end competition, for example railroads divided up business in an area and fixed prices at a high rate. Pools
Corporation A business owned by many investors
Mass production Rapid manufacturing of large numbers of a product at a cheaper price.
Consolidating/ consolidation To combine business together, for example large railroad companies bought out smaller companies.
injunction A legal order to do something
network A system of connecting railroad lines
rebates Discount on services or merchandise ( sometimes secret), often given to customers who shipped BIG LOADS.
trust A group of corporations put together and run by a single board of directors, for example Rockefeller put one together.
monopoly A company that controls the production and sales of a certain product almost 100%.
What will I be able to know and do after today’s lesson? I can explain how railroad expansion affected the United States economy. I can describe how the development of a nationwide network of railroads helped businesses.
Video spotlight – activating prior knowledge As you watch this video clip, be ready to share with your elbow partner : How does this video help remind you of what you read about before class today? Chapter 19 section 1 – Railroads lead the way!
Chapter 19 section 1 – Railroads lead the way!! Please take 15 minute to : Silently read Chapter 19 section 1 Starts on page….. Complete worksheet you picked up today and turn in when done. 2nd grade for the 2nd quarter!! EASY 100!! Thanks!
Using your whiteboard… Create what you see here…
With your elbow partner Complete the graphic organizer you just placed on your whiteboard. You are looking for examples of other businesses, industries that did well because railroads did well. Another way to say this: What other industries benefited from the growth of the railroad industry?
Some possible answers
Say goodbye to your partner… Turn to page 586 in the textbook. Can I have a volunteer read the last 2 paragraphs? On your white board answer one of the following questions… Why did railroads need to improve? What needed to be changed or adapted so railroad companies to consolidate? In what way does this help businesses?
On your own, find the evidence! Using the handout provided, complete the worksheet on Chapter 19 section 1 When you are done, place it in the Blue bin with your name on it.
History of US - Cities Episode 7
Closure How did railroad expansion change America? Share with the people around you.