By Ryan Melaugh,Brian kelly,Diarmuid McDermott and Shay Doherty 9A!
An alternative energy resource is an energy resource that is a fossil fuel suitable to your area.we have chosen solar power as the best alternative energy resource for northern Ireland.
Solar panels work by sun light which shines on a solar panel and it creates energy. There are so many different types of solar panels. So basically you just need to buy it and put in front of the sun.
The four advantages of solar power are: Solar energy is free and it needs no fuel and produces no waste or pollution. In sunny countries, solar power can be used where there is no easy way Handy for low-power uses such as solar powered garden lights and battery chargers, or for helping your home energy bills to get electricity to a remote place. If your house is south facing you have a very good chance of solar power working properly.
The two disadvantages of solar power are: Very expensive to build solar power stations, although the cost is coming down as technology improves. In the meantime, solar cells cost a great deal compared to the amount of electricity they'll produce in their lifetime. Can be unreliable unless you're in a very sunny climate. In the United Kingdom, solar power isn't much use for high- power applications, as you need a large area of solar panels to get a decent amount of power. However, technology has now reached the point where it can make a big difference to your home fuel bills.
Solar power is a renewable source unlike coal and other fossil fuels. It doesn’t harm the environment. Its better than most resources because it is cheaper and does not take up a lot of space. as all it needs is the sun.
Now you have seen our presentation on solar power I hope you might change to solar energy.