IHO S-100 Much more than ENCs Barrie Greenslade Chair IHO TSMAD, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office February, 2007
Reference The material for this presentation was extracted from a paper entitled “Development of IHO S-100 IHO Geospatial Standard for Hydrographic Data” by L. Alexander, M. Brown, B. Greenslade and A. Pharaoh
History IHO S-57 formally adopted May 1992 Edition 3.0 was released November 1996 ENC Product Specification 1.0 Minor Revision 3.1 released November 2000 ENC Product Specification 2.0 Supplement 3.1.1 released January 2007 to cater for new IMO requirements ENC is the main product specification supported Two derivatives – AML and Inland ECDIS
S-57 Limitations Developed to meet ENC requirement for an IMO compliant ECDIS (the IMO specifications were in their infancy and not completely defined) Inflexible maintenance regime (requiring the freezing of standards) Cannot support future requirements (gridded bathymetry, time-varying info) Data transfer mechanisms limited (data model embedded in encapsulation)
New Name S-100 Many regard the S-57 standard and the ENC Product Specification as the same thing Impression in the ENC community that the work undertaken to support other hydrographic products would radically change the ENC, thus affecting ENC production and ECDIS adoption As this was not the goal of the revision work S-57 Edition 4.0 under development is henceforth designated as S-100, IHO Geospatial Standard for Hydrographic Data Any product specifications developed using S-100 would follow in an S-10x series as they are produced (e.g S-101 Next Generation ENC Product Specification)
S-100 Next Gen ENC S-101 AML Nautical Pubs Gridded MIO Inland ENC Bathy ENC 3D & Temporal ICE S-100 will support a greater variety of data sources, products and services
Support Greater Variety Includes: Imagery and gridded data 3-D and time-varying data (x,y,z and time) MIOs, Other In support of: Dynamic ECDIS High-density bathymetry Seafloor classification Marine GIS Web-based services
Additional Objectives No permanent tie to single exchange mechanism (take advantage of contemporary technologies web Evolve core standard through extensions without continued need for producing new versions of product specifications or system revisions (and … re-generating, re-distributing, re-loading … the data in the new version) Product Feature Catalogs that are more flexible and capable of expansion (e.g. new IMO regulation) New features in support of richer ECDIS experience (e.g. Nautical Publications, Inland ENC Product Specs, …)
Strong Foundation Built on strong international standards: ISO /TC211 with 130 countries/members In liaison with DGIWG (military), OGC (strong industry/web involvement presence) and GDSI (Global Spatial Data Infrastructure) Harmonized data content between S-100 and NATO DIGEST IHO will host Registry facility to store/access various registers of hydrographic-related information ( such as feature concept dictionaries, data types, metadata)
IHO Registry for S-100 will be comprised of a collection of registers: Feature Registers Hydro Ice NPub Inland ECDIS OEF Hydro Ice NPub Inland OEF Register Register Register Register Register FDD FDD FDD FDD FDD F A E F A E F A E F A E F A E Other Register Metadata Register Data Type Register Symbols Register Feature Registers FDD Features Attributes Enumerates IHO Registry Register Feature Data Dictionary Features Attributes Enumerates
Registry/Register Initially there will be registers for Hydrographic Info (existing features, dynamic ice coverage, nautical publications, Inland ENCs, Open ECDIS) With this flexibility other features (even in oher registries) can be specified in a P.S. Even if new item is registered, a new version of current P.S. not required Operational Registry available (www. ukhoftp.gov.uk/iho_registry)
S-100 Benefits Using defined standards ensures S-100 stays in mainstream of geospatial info industry greater use and lower cost of implementation/use Conformance to defined standards maximizes COTS software applications and development New components not being developed in isolation Interoperability with other ISO/TC211 based profiles (e.g. NATO DIGEST, ICE, weather, …) Greater usage of data (beyond HOs and ECDIS users) hence greater HO leverage/support for extended coverage and operations Enhanced usage (coastal zone mapping, security,…) “Plug and Play” updating of data, symbology and software enhancements. Inclusion of 10 years worth of corrections and extensions (deferred)
No. Core Component Description Working Draft Committee Draft Final Draft Component ready 1 Imagery and Gridded X 2 Metadata – Discovery P1 3 Metadata – P2 4 Framework (includes Application Schema) 5 1D&2D Spatial 6 3D 7 Hydrographic Survey Content Specification 8 Feature Data Dictionary 9 CRS Encoding
Timeline for S100/S101 December 2007 – S100 Published 2007 – Commence development of S-101 Begin User Outreach with OEM’s, Production software, Mariners 1st Quarter 2007 – Begin Requirements for ENC Product Specification 4th Quarter 2007 Initial Requirements gathering completed Early 2008 – Publish S102 Tidal Harmonics Product Specification 1st Quarter 2008 – Begin First Draft of S-101 2nd Quarter 2008 – Complete First Draft of S-101 4th Quarter 2008 – Committee Draft of S-101 completed Impact Analysis Production Software (HO’s, Software companies) OEM’s End Users – Training establishments Type Approval
Timeline Cont. 2007 – 2010 – Coordination Group on ECDIS Standards Alignment IMO Performance Specification IEC 61174 IEC 62288 IHO S-52 - CSMWG IHO S-63 – DPSWG 4th Quarter 2010 – Final Draft of S-101 approved by TSMAD (DATS) 2011 – Approval of S-101 by CHRIS (HSSC) 2012 – Approval by IHO member states at the Conference 2012 – S101 available for Implementation
Target As a consequence of the extensive development process, any improved ENC Product Specification (S-101) could not come into force before at least 2012 and even then, the standard would sit alongside the existing S-57 Edition 3.1 Product Specification for some time. Furthermore, it is intended that any ECDIS which are upgraded to use S-101 ENCs will continue to be able to use S-57 Edition 3.1 ENCs as well.
Migration from S-57 to S-100 S57 3.1 will continue to be used for many years even with S-100 release Opportunity to use other PS (e.g. gridded) with existing ENC PS as overlay Will be done with inclusion of all interested parties (hence workshop(s), IHO S-100 Discussion Forum
For more information Barrie Greenslade: barrie.greenslade@ukho.gov.uk