Lesson 8
Part 1: Reading for Information (5 min) Part 2: Applied Mathematics (10 min) Part 3: Locating Information (15 min) Total Lesson: 30 min Work Keys Lesson 8: Outline
Apply Multi-Step Instructions Many workplace documents contain steps that outline the order of a job or procedure. You must be able to understand and apply the steps described in a process that you are expected to follow. It is important to notice the order in which each step is done, as well as how one step logically leads to the next. Practicing this way of thinking about following directions or the steps in workplace documents will help you to do your job correctly and efficiently. Part 1: Reading for Information
Part 1: Reading for Information Apply Multi-Step Instructions Example 1:
Example 2
Example 3
Find Averages, Ratios, Proportions, and Rates In many jobs, you will work with numbers using averages, ratios, proportions, and rates. Averages are commonly used when determining how much of an item to prepare. *Rations are commonly used to show the relationship between two comparable things, such as number of students per teacher. *Proportions can be used to determine if a larger item is the better deal. Part 2: Applied Mathematics
Part 2: Applied Mathematics Find Averages, Ratios, Proportions, and Rates
Example 3: Part 2: Applied Mathematics Find Averages, Ratios, Proportions, and Rates
Example 3: Example 4:
Example 5:
Focus on Relevant Information in Graphics Workplace graphics often present far more information than is needed to answer a particular question. When trying to locate information within complex diagrams and tables, you need to sort through information that may be confusing or unnecessary. By identifying what information is needed and what is not, you can focus on the relevant information when interpreting workplace graphics. Part 3: Locating Information
Part 3: Locating Information Focus on Relevant Information in Graphics Example 1:
Example 2: Part 3: Locating Information Focus on Relevant Information in Graphics
Example 3:
Example 4:
Directions: Answer the following questions on a piece of paper and turn in. Exit Slip 1.