IHB Report on IRCC-2HSSC-2
IRCC-2 Establish, coordinate and enhance cooperation in hydrographic activities amongst States on a regional basis, and between regions Establish, coordinate and enhance cooperation in hydrographic activities amongst States on a regional basis, and between regions Establish co-operation to enhance the delivery of capacity building programmes Establish co-operation to enhance the delivery of capacity building programmes Review and implement the IHO Capacity Building Strategy Review and implement the IHO Capacity Building Strategy
IRCC-2 Promote co-operation between regional organizations Promote co-operation between regional organizations Monitor the work of specified IHO Inter- Organizational Bodies engaged in activities that require inter-regional cooperation and coordination Monitor the work of specified IHO Inter- Organizational Bodies engaged in activities that require inter-regional cooperation and coordination
IRCC-2 New Orleans, USA June 2010 Attendance: – All RHCs except RSAHC – All other bodies except GEBCO Minutes and Action List on IHO web site
IRCC-2 Key Points – IHO Capacity Building programme – WEND WG – ENC coverage, quality, licensing, overlapping data – Regional ENC and INT chart coordination – Arctic RHC – WWNWS – MSI compilation CD-ROM
IRCC-2 – Action 5 RHCs invited to report to IRCC 3 on: RHCs invited to report to IRCC 3 on: – the methodology used for assessing and displaying survey status, taking into account navigational and MSDI requirements – the implementation of the guidance for the preparation and maintenance of International chart schemes ( CL 23/2010 of 3 March 2010 ) – their experience in dealing with marine disasters in relation with IHO guidelines ( TR 1/2005 ) – strategies to involve non-IHO MS in RHC activities
IRCC-2 – Capacity Building – RHCs invited to … take action on the lack of follow- up reports from countries receiving support from the Capacity Building Fund
IRCC-3 Next meeting : 26 & 27 May 2011 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
HSSC-2 Promote and coordinate the development of standards, specifications and guidelines for official products and services to meet the requirements of mariners and other users of hydrographic information Promote and coordinate the development of standards, specifications and guidelines for official products and services to meet the requirements of mariners and other users of hydrographic information Study and propose methods and standards for the acquisition, assessment and provision of official hydrographic data, nautical products and other related services Study and propose methods and standards for the acquisition, assessment and provision of official hydrographic data, nautical products and other related services
HSSC-2 Technical liaison with other relevant stakeholders, including type-approval authorities, navigation equipment manufacturers, the hydrographic data user-community Technical liaison with other relevant stakeholders, including type-approval authorities, navigation equipment manufacturers, the hydrographic data user-community Prepare and maintain IHO technical publications and standards Prepare and maintain IHO technical publications and standards
HSSC-2 Rostock, Germany, October 2010 Attendance: – 26 MS – 7 NGIO Minutes and Action List on IHO web site idc
HSSC-2 Key Points HSSC input to Strategic Planning Process HSSC input to Strategic Planning Process – performance indicators replaced by 5 – input to strategic plan S-100 and e-Navigation S-100 and e-Navigation Adoption of S-99 – Management of S-100 GI Registry Adoption of S-99 – Management of S-100 GI Registry MSDI MSDI Implementation of IHO standards in ECDIS equipment Implementation of IHO standards in ECDIS equipment
HSSC-3 Next meeting : 31 to 4 November venue yet to be confirmed