Opening Capital to Small Business Communities & Financial Services for Low Income Communities National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders Presenter: Salvador Menjivar, Executive Director OneCalifornia Bank Foundation
OneCalifornia Community Development Banking – OneCalifornia Bank seeks to improve economic opportunity for low- to moderate-income communities throughout California Loans to small businesses and fair banking services to “unbanked” – OneCalifornia Foundation engages in charitable and educational activities that primarily support the bank’s community development mission and activities.
Community Empowering Building Community Assets Promoting the growth of retail and small business in low and moderate income communities Strengthening Nonprofits Provide Financial Services to low income families and individuals
Community Empowering Building Community Assets Lending back in our communities Supporting local business Offering banking services to solve local problems, including “green” lending Innovative solutions for employers and employees
Building Assets by Supporting Families and Individuals Banking Services for the “Unbanked” Tactict: Use advanced technology to provide banking services in low income communities Products in R&D: 1)Kiosk that provides financial services 2)Pre-paid Debit Card that can be used in multiple financial transactions 3) Alternative to Payday Lending Services: Financial education Free Checking and Savings accounts (Includes ATM, Online banking, Bill pay)
Current Programs Targeting Latino Communities Formalizing peer lending happening in CESTAS –Miss. Asset Fund- Acorns to Oaks: Promoting IDAs accounts (option 529 accounts) among families in the San Antonio neighborhood in Oakland. Developing Alternative to Payday Lending Free saving and checking accounts in partnership with nonprofits targeting the Latino community SBA loans to businesses owned by Financial Literacy