Causes of the Great Depression Overproduction & Underconsumption Overexpansion of credit Uneven distribution of income Speculation in stock market & real estate Weak farm economy Government policies of deregulation & high tariffs Global economy Crash of stock market in October 1929
Hoover’s Policies At first – voluntary action and restraint Don’t cut wages Don’t go on strike Private charities increase efforts to help Government assistance would destroy self- reliance “Rugged Individualism”
Hoover Policies Hawley-Smoot Tariff – highest in history Debt moratorium – suspended payments on international debt owed to US Federal Farm Board – help stabilize farm prices Reconstruction Finance Corporation – to prop up failing railroads, banks, insurance companies
The Depression Deepens Increased unemployment (+25%) Banks and businesses closed People lost their homes Hoovervilles, Hoover blankets Breadlines, soup kitchens People associate bad times with Hoover’s lack of effective response
The Election of 1932 Hoover v. FD Roosevelt
Herbert Hoover Republican Talented administrator – WWI Food Administration; Cabinet; incumbent President Economy was sound; avoid direct gov’t involvement Rugged Individualism; Supply-side economics; Reconstruction Finance Corp.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Democrat Governor of NY – “little New Deal” Experiment – try something; if it doesn’t work, try something else Demand-side economics; get help to those in greatest need; “A New Deal” for the American people
Electoral Vote -1932
FDR – transition to Presidency “Brain Trust” 100 days Fireside chats
FDR’s New Deal The 3 R’s Relief Stop downward Trend “first aid” Recovery Help to get industries Going again “turn it around” Reform Permanent changes to The system “never let it happen again”
RELIEF Stop the bleeding Stop the downward spiral of depression Apply first aid
RECOVERY Turn the economy around Get industries moving again
REFORM To make sure this never happens again Permanent changes to the system