Apportionments Deliveries in 1990s Mexico Upper Basin States Lower Basin States
MAF 1. Palo Verde ID (104,500 acres valley) 2. Yuma Project (25,000 acres) 3. (a) Imperial ID/Coachella Valley WD (b) PVID (16,000 acres mesa) 4. Metropolitan WD0.550 Subtotal 5. Metropolitan WD0.700 Total
maf PVID Yuma Project IID3.10 CVWD0.33 MWD*0.55 Total4.40 * Amount fluctuates based on PVID/Yuma Project use, unused IID and CVWD water 0.42 (Average)
Implement Agricultural Conservation Measures with IID
Line the All-American, Coachella Canals
Incentivie PVID Farmers to Not Grow Crops
Metropolitan provided $6 million in 2005 Managed by Volunteer Board Half of Funds Distributed Grants and loans Included small business development; job training programs MWD, PVID non-voting members Economic study concluded program is successful
MWD can store 1.5 million acre-feet in Lake Mead Avoids costs and impacts of building new storage reservoirs
Expanded exchange with SNWA 150,000 in 2015 Expanded exchange with IID Up to 100,000 in 2015 Boards to consider in September
maf PVID Yuma Project IID3.10 CVWD0.33 MWD*0.55 Total4.40 * Amount fluctuates based on PVID/Yuma Project use, unused IID and CVWD water 0.42 (Average)
*2014 Data is Preliminary.
*2014 Data is Preliminary.
*2014 Data is Preliminary.
Agriculture demand could grow along the Colorado River PVID: 16,000 additional mesa acres CRIT: ~50,000 AF of unused water rights Other areas could grow Water use increases would affect MWD’s supply Options to address increases include expanded fallowing, purchasing land
Apportionments Mexico Upper Basin States Lower Basin States
Apportionments Sustainable Deliveries? Mexico Upper Basin States Lower Basin States
Metropolitan, along with SDCWA, have implemented significant ag to urban transfers to help CA live within 4.4 MAF Apportionment New tools have been developed to help manage those supplies in dry years Lake Mead ICS, etc. The Colorado River faces continued challenges to its water supply reliability that will require new and innovative agreements and actions
Formed in 1905 Sustained by Ag drainage 50% Saltier than Ocean Salinity increase 1%/yr Soon too Salty for Fish Sea protected from QSA Transfer Impacts for 15 years IID to deliver 800 TAF of “mitigation water” to Salton Sea through 2017 Provided time for state to develop long-term solution
State has done little to advance Sea’s restoration Issued Draft EIR Preferred Alternative $9 billion, $100 million O&M IID petitioned SWRCB to condition QSA transfers on Salton Sea restoration Resources agencies hosting meetings with stakeholders
If consistent with restoration, mitigation water can be sold to DWR instead of delivered to Sea DWR, in turn, would sell water to MWD Proceed would benefit Salton Sea restoration $125 million of funds available Provide So. Cal. with up to 400,000 af, easing drought State of California would need to initiate this DFG Code provision
IID threatens to end transfers to SDCWA and CVWD without restoration plan If dust not sufficiently mitigated, lawsuits could block QSA transfers Working with QSA parties to encourage state to develop consensus Salton Sea solution
Metropolitan, along with SDCWA, have implemented significant ag to urban transfers to help CA live within 4.4 MAF Apportionment New tools have been developed to help manage those supplies Lake Mead ICS, etc. The Colorado River faces continued challenges to its water supply reliability that will require new and innovative agreements and actions