Linux Audio Mangler Project Final Presentation Yu Chong Hector Urtubia Tony Zuliani
PART I What is LAMP ??
What is LAMP? Audio editor for Linux Features the ability to dynamically load filters Intuitive, graphical user interface Open source
Why? Why did we choose an audio editor as our project? Why did we choose to use Linux for development purposes?
The Ideal Audio Editor Support for every sound file format Intuitive user interface High-quality sound processing capabilities Vast selection of editing functions and audio filters Fast, efficient and solid
What LAMP has to offer Support for AIFF, WAV, AU audio file formats Graphical interface and visual display of audio data Dynamically loaded sound processing plugins Useful editing functions
Tools and Resources File format –LibAudioFile Graphical user interface –GTK+ Sound processing plugins –LADSPA
Software Architecture Plugin AudioIOSound Driver Utility GUI
From Software Engineering To LAMP PART II
Group Organization Egoless approach Weekly meetings Division of responsibility
Process Model
Project Management Coding standards services –Source code control using CVS –Bug tracking system Milestones
Quality Assurance Testing –Unit testing –System testing Maintenance Extensible design
Project Difficulties Interaction of the different modules Learning the APIs for the different libraries we used Efficient management of audio data Graphical interaction with audio file data Personal conflicts
Acknowledgements Dr. John Black NCIAA Open Source Community
Artists for this event (In order of appearance) PART I -- Hector “YerDaddy” Urtubia PART II -- Tony “El Tigre” Zuliani PART III -- Yu “The Clever Devil” Chong
Questions and Comments? LAMP home page