How do we use dotProject to achieve efficient project management goals in a R&D team Tommy Yan HP Open Source and Linux
2 Project Manager Team Member Share Holder Project Management Challenges (with MS project/spreadsheet) Tons of: s Meetings Concall Face-Face Spreadsheets
3 What is DotProject An online B/S project management software Software under GPL Hosted under and sourceforge. Apache, MySQL,Php based, almost 0 admin cost. Sourceforge Registered : Several hundreds of Downloads/day
4 Benefits to PMs Know the progress well, based on task assignees’ input. Reduce unnecessary communications
5 Benefits to PMs/shareholders Status Progress: 35.5% Start: 21/03/2007 Finish Planned:13/09/2007 Finish Current: 13/09/ Delivered draft Webserver blueprints to LP team - Completed several CDS/MySQL test cases and part of CDS documents. Achievements Deliver Redhat draft blueprint to LP teamPublish MySQL blueprints LP team submit Redhat draft pdfs Publish Web blueprints Deliver SuSE draft blueprint to LP teamPublish CDS blueprints Deliver Redhat draft blueprint to LP teamPublish J2ee blueprints Upcoming ChkpontDeliverables/status - Software1 delayed to 11/Jun/2007. LP publish date changed from 8/23 - 9/20. - Software2 release deffered. Need to know mgmt decision. - Software3 not released yet. Will get the hot fix on Jun.6th. Need to get released agents no later than Jun. 25th. - no Software4 plugins for rhel5 yet. Jayanth says it’ll be out about one week. Need to get released bits no later than Jul. 6th. Changes/Exceptions/Issues Status Task Details % Complet e: 4931% In Progress: 3220% Not Started: 7849% Past Due:43% Provide solid data. (Red parts of the project dashboard are based on the dotProject.)
6 Benefits to PMs/shareholders(cont.) Know the Engineer Resource Utilization Know the gap between estimation and reality MayJunJulyAug Person198.33%94.26%99.39%62.78% Person270.04%66.6%79.88%54.02% Person358.76%100%90.04%51.32% Person451.65%100%63.21%60.54% Person5100% 39.41%25.79% Person6100% 71.56%32.42% Person761.41%100%63.67%19.54%
7 Benefits to Team members Team members have up-to-date “Todo” list, help your memory No conflict lock Reduce unnecessary communications
8 Other benefits Importing a MS-Project xml Tickets Permissions
9 Risks Some reports not accurate/not act as expected. Tasks dependency does not work pretty well.
10 How was it picked out Get a list of tools. −Google search (Top candidates among several FOSS PM tools.(just google ‘project management tool open source’)) − List the comparison criteria −Ease of use and maintenance −Expense −Functionality of spreadsheet and schedule −Multi users support −Role control Rate and decide
Try it out!: The dotProject Demo can be accessed at Questions?