WITSML – Realizing the Value John Shields Baker Hughes
Copyright Baker Hughes Inc Wellbore Placement Most value is added early in the life-cycle – well planning and drilling Extended reach multi-lateral wells Difficult to log with wireline Analysis must be made while drilling to ensure optimum well placement Requires integrated team in real-time –Directional drilling –Geosteering –Formation evaluation –Wellbore integrity –Reservoir engineering –Geology –Expertise may be in multiple locations Applications from multiple vendors need to exchange data
Copyright Baker Hughes Inc Impacts of Complexity MWD Resistivity Gamma Triple Combo Nuclear Dynamics- NMR Imaging Azimuthal PropagationResistivity Azimuthal Caliper Acoustic Positioning Seismic WhileDrlg Wired Pipe Bit Res Fluid Sampling OBM Imager Directional Gamma MWD Resistivity Gamma Triple Combo Prop Resistivity Acoustic Testing High Speed Telemetry Deep Resistivity Azimuthal PropagationResistivity Azimuthal Caliper Acoustic Positioning Seismic WhileDrlg Wired Pipe Bit Res Fluid Sampling OBM Imager Directional Gamma Complexity Steerable Motors Rotary Steerables Vertical Drilling Systems
Copyright Baker Hughes Inc Impacts of Complexity Real time measurements becoming too complex for wellsite analysis Formation imaging, Sonic waveforms, NMR Geosteering Wellbore Integrity Need to have remote expert analysis in real-time
Copyright Baker Hughes Inc Data Integration & Exchange Seismic Geology model Directional Plan Formation Evaluation Wellbore Pressure Test Combine best-in-class applications to get the whole picture Requires collaboration between drilling, geology, reservoir and 3 rd parties Promotion of standards for data integration & exchange (SEGY, DLIS, WITSML, PRODML)
Copyright Baker Hughes Inc BEACON – Global Coverage and Expansion Pau Geoscience 2008 Existing facility 2009+
Copyright Baker Hughes Inc Real time analysis Well Synopsis Barnett Shale,Texas - 8 ½” hole size, horizontal well, fractured unconventional reservoir High resolution electrical images Objectives Fault and fracture characterization to optimize completion program Minimal interruption to the drilling process Answers Delivered High resolution images acquired while drilling at up to 150 ft/hr Detailed information on complex fractures, faults, thin beds and cemented bodies Fractures Cement nodules Fractures type, orientation, location and continuity fracture density Cemented zones type and location possible barrier to production TVD (feet) Vertical section (feet) TOH BOH
Copyright Baker Hughes Inc D Viewer is the Enabler
Copyright Baker Hughes Inc BEACON Clients Geoscience - Engineering Data Flow from Field Systems to Product Delivery Project Data Stores Baker Hughes Direct SiteCom Field Systems Field Database Interfaces to other business systems