ICT Class Rules
Quality line-up Line up outside the class room Single file Face the front Silent Listening to instructions
Stand behind chairs On entry to room:- stand behind your chair sit when told to do so At the end of the lesson:- push your chair under the desk stand behind your chair leave when asked to do so.
Behaviour with Locked computers When computers are locked:- Do not touch mouse or keyboard If no lock turn your monitor off
Quality audience Stop what you are doing Look at the speaker Shut up Actively listen Open your ears Sit still No fidgeting
Whiteboard time Stand behind you chair Move to a position where you can see the board Sit down Be a quality audience Look at the whiteboard Follow the demonstration
Teacher register and student login Log on straight away when told to do so Listen for your name When called answer clearly with Yes Sir or Miss (as appropriate)
Quality sitting As part of Quality Audience Face the speaker Sit still- no twisting Leave the levers alone When working Face the computer Stay in your seat Leave the levers alone
End of lesson Hardware check Before you leave the room, When you have packed up Check you monitor is straight and facing forward The keyboard is in front of the monitor The mouse is placed to the right hand side of the keyboard Teacher will check the computer is in working order before you can leave
Start of task Make sure you know what to do Read/recap instructions Put your hand up if you are not sure Choose correct software Get on with your work
Use of Internet Only when told to do so Only for class work Use instructed sites only Consequence Misdemeanour If miss using internet again in same lesson, work on paper.