Page 1© Crown copyright 2004 AER sub-project: report to GEMS plenary Olivier Boucher GEMS - Kick-off meeting July 2005
Page 2© Crown copyright 2004 GEMS-aerosol mailing list Archive on Please ask me if you would like to be added on the list. Minutes and list of actions to be circulated on this mailing list.
Page 3© Crown copyright 2004 WP1 - Direct modelling Very good start! Initial focus on dust and sea-salt (next 2 months) Modelling of other aerosol components (BC, OC, sulfate, BB) Testing of parametrisations Action: meeting to be arranged between MetOffice/SA-UPMC/ECMWF to address the issue of stratospheric aerosols Action: check with RAQ how best we can best provide boundaries Model validation of transport needed: trop-strat exchange
Page 4© Crown copyright 2004 WP2 - Emissions Inventory of inventories available! Dust and sea-salt emissions are parametrized. Biomass burning: GWEM, modified for fire counts + BUOYANT analytical model for height Consistency with other sub-projects Vertical dependence (stack heights) Diurnal, weekly, and seasonal variations
Page 5© Crown copyright 2004 WP3 - Data assimilation The logical split of work is - background error covariance matrix: ECMWF - observation error covariance matrix: CEA-IPSL-LSCE with inputs from ECMWF, CNRS-LOA, and Met Office. Meeting to be arranged. Set up a methodology and apply it to MODIS/MERIS/ATSR/SEVIRI Action: meeting to be arranged between SA-UPMC/ECMWF/IASB to address the issue of data assimilation for stratospheric aerosols
Page 6© Crown copyright 2004 WP4 - Model evaluation - Correlation coefficients (observed vs simulated aerosol properties) - current models perform well on monthly means - challenge will be to get good correlation on daily means - Linear fits: slope, offset - Root-mean square errors - largely used in RAQ - Taylor diagrams - summarizes model performance in terms of correlation coefficient, standard deviation, and RMS. - Figures of merit - useful to test the transport for particular events - has been used for ETEX
Page 7© Crown copyright 2004 WP4 - Model evaluation Report on skill scores: earlier delivery (T0+6months) Initial focus on dust and sea-salt (next 2 months) measurement groups to come with selection of events periods cover years 2000 and 2003/2004 subset of AERONET stations, GAW sites, lidar site table (lat, long, aerosol prop, sampling) ==> JJM More complete model evaluation table of skill scores for aerosol properties and dataset AEROCOM validation + more detailed validation using additional in-situ surface and aircraft data 2000 and 2003/2004 for consistency with other sub-projects