Bibliographic research at UNICAM 22° June 2010 Cristina Soave


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Presentation transcript:

Bibliographic research at UNICAM 22° June 2010 Cristina Soave

UNICAM Library services and e- resources Overview of UNICAM Library System web site The Library Catalogue (search strategies and techniques), customised services, links to online resources and services UNICAM Electronic Journals Collection (how to get to full-text articles, how to get articles and other documents through a citation linker Online bibliographic databases and search engines freely accessible via the Internet: Google Scholar, PubMed The electronic resources to which UNICAM currently subscribes: WebOfKnowledge, Scopus, SciFinder Scholar. Search examples and strategy

To perform a bibliographic search, go the UNICAM Library portal

At the web site select Ateneo, then Biblioteche

Or go to the URL


UNICAM OPAC Means unified access to the catalogues of all the University Libraries gives the opportunity to search for the description and call number of about documents catalogued at UNICAM, available on different supports

Perform a search in the OPAC when: You would like to know if a book, or a journal is in the Library holdings you the book you need is lendable the book you need is on shelf besides the printed version, an electronic version is also available at URL ….. and more ….

IMPORTANT ADVICE Not all of the bibliographic descriptions of the books have already been digitized. Sometimes, if you are looking for older books (especially before 1994), you may also need to go in a Library and consult the printed catalogue

Example: book search

You find the list of all items, whose title contains “medicinal plants”

Clicking on Titolo, a bibliographic description is provided

Clicking on the Library, you are informed about The Library where the book is If the book is on shelf If the book is lendable When someone has borrowed the book, when should it return?

Book on shelf in the Science Library

Books to be returned (and due date) in the Chemical Library

In the field Cover sometimes is provided the cover of the book

A connection with Google Books is available

Search for a journal: international journal of cosmetic science

The record in the search result list indicates that The print version of the journal is available from 1979 to 2000 from the Chemistry Library The full text is available online from 2002 to current issue: to access, click on the link provided, and then on the icon Object views and get the full-text of the article you need

One of the full-text options available

Another way to search for a journal is to use the A to Z list In the OPAC you find a journal only if there is also a printed version in the Library holdings There are thousands of journals, published by Elsevier, American chemical society, Wiley, Royal society of chemistry, Institute of physics, Springer etc, whose electronic edition is available. Libraries are increasingly seeking access to electronic journals by means of consortium agreements with publishers. There are journals freely accessible on-line (OA journals)

E-journals collection: select the menu Risorse elettroniche

The A to Z journal list.

Under the Titolo menu Type the exact title of the journal, or enter one or more words in the Search Term field and then click VAI (search) Search example: I have found in the references of an article the citation: Electrophoresis, 27(3) pp and would like to read it.

Enter Electrophoresis in the title box

Then click on the journal title, to get full text through the publisher

Another search option is the citation linker

Enter the citation in the box, and get the article

When you cannot find neither the printed nor the electronic version … … Ask librarians for document delivery service, i.e the supply of journal articles and other copies on a personalized basis, whether these come from other libraries or direct from publishers. Libraries have established voluntary associations, often on a regional basis, to provide an online union catalog of all the items held by all member libraries (ACNP). Some libraries establish reciprocal arrangements with each other in order to supply loans and copies for free (NILDE).

ACNP: ser/start/it/cnr/fp.html ser/start/it/cnr/fp.html


On-line bibliographic databases

Or, from the University web site, select Servizi on-line > Risorse bibliografiche

Data-bases Here you find the link to the electronic resources that are freely accessible by the Internet (Google scholar, PubMED) Or to which UNICAM currently subscribes: WebOfKnowledge, Scopus, SciFinder Scholar

To access, click on the circle

Access rights “Libero” means that the resource is freely accessible from everywhere “Rete di Ateneo” means that the resource is accessible within every University building “LAN Dipartimento di scienze chimiche” means that the resource is accessible only in this Department

Search examples and strategies It is a good strategy to perform searches using different data-bases, and to compare the search results Data-bases are different because of the range of journals and materials covered, search facilities and restrictions, and update frequency

Google scholar: search for “herbal remedies”

Google scholar As you can see, provides a search of scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources, including theses, books, abstracts and articles You can get the full-text: the link “at Univ. Camerino” means that the full-text is available through the University LAN

Scopus Updated daily, Scopus offers: Nearly 18,000 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers, including coverage of –16,500 peer-reviewed journals (inc > 1,200 Open Access journals) –600 trade publications –350 book series –Extensive conference coverage (3.6 million conference papers) 40 million records, of which: –20 million records going back to 1996 seeking to capture complete metadata (78% include references) –20 million pre-1996 records captured without references go back as far as Scopus also offers full integration of the scientific web in its search results, with: 435 million scientific web pages 23 million patents from 5 patent offices (US Patent and Trademark Office, European Patent Office, Japan Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization and UK Intellectual Property Office) "Articles-in-Press" from over 3,000 journals Over 80 selected sources e.g. institutional repositories, digital archives and special subject collections made individually searchable via Selected Sources tab.

Scopus: search example Search for high-pressure AND high- temperature study of phase transitions in solid germanium

You will find only 3 articles

You can get full-text of the article Clicking on the icon View at publisher Or on the SFX botton

But 88 patents, and 1979 web pages (theses and repositories)

ISI Web of Knowledge: search example

You can get the full-text Clicking on the SFX botton Documents type ARTICLE (73) REVIEW (11) PROCEEDINGS PAPER (7) MEETING ABSTRACT (1) In WOK there are neither patents, nor other sources

Search tricks: use Boolean operators OR is used to join synonymous or related terms, and instructs the search tool to retrieve any record that contains either (or both) of the terms, thus broadening your search results. AND is used to join words or phrases when both (or all) the terms must appear in the items you retrieve. NOT is used to exclude a particular word or combination of words from your search results. It is also possible to perform complex Boolean searches in which more than one Boolean Operator is used. To do this, enclose the terms connected with OR within parentheses. For example: (marijuana OR cannabis) AND (therapeutic use OR medicinal use)

Truncation (WOS) asterisk (*) is used at the end of a word to retrieve variant endings of that word (gene* gene, genetics, generation) question mark (?) within a word to replace a character (en?oblast entoblast, endoblast) $ within a word to replace one or more characters (col$r color colour)

Only in WOS use the operator SAME Use SAME to find records where the terms separated by the operator appear in the same sentence. A sentence is defined as: the title of an article; a sentence in the abstract; or a single address. Using the SAME operator instead of AND is a good way to narrow your search.

The search Topic=(Thermosensitive biodegradable AND polymers) retrieves 92 records Topic=(Thermosensitive biodegradable SAME polymers) retrieves 51 records

How to get Sci-Finder scholar Since SciFinder is available only in the Department of chemical sciences, you have to go to the web site of this Department at

You can use the client version, not the web version You have to download and install on your PC the client and the file site of SciFinder Therefore you have to follow these instructions

On the web site choose SciFinder setup

And then click and download, as requested