GEMS Global Production System and Data Infrastructure (PRO sub-project) Sub-project manager: Adrian Simmons Sub-project partner: ECMWF
Objectives of PRO sub-project Develop global assimilation systems for greenhouse gases, reactive gases and aerosols (Year 1 …) Acquire, pre-process and monitor observations (Year 1 …) Develop web/verification infrastructure (Year 1 …) Produce trial analyses for greenhouse gases, reactive gases and aerosols (Year 2 …) Unify refined versions of assimilation systems into integrated GEMS assimilation system (Year 3) Produce extended analyses and daily forecasts (Year 3 …) Prepare for operational implementation, including real-time forecasts to support RAQ (Year 4)
Components of the PRO sub-project WP_PRO_2 AER assimilation system & reanalysis WP_PRO_3 GRG assimilation system & reanalysis WP_PRO_1 GHG assimilation system & reanalysis GHG sub-project AER GRG WP_PRO_6 Web interface & verification tools WP_PRO_5 Technical observation processing WP_PRO_4 CTM interfaces & technical support RAQ sub-project
Components of the PRO sub-project WP_PRO_2 AER assimilation system & reanalysis WP_PRO_3 GRG assimilation system & reanalysis WP_PRO_1 GHG assimilation system & reanalysis GHG sub-project AER GRG WP_PRO_6 Web interface & verification tools WP_PRO_5 Technical observation processing WP_PRO_4 CTM interfaces & technical support Soumia Serrar Richard Engelen Martin Suttie Jean-Jacques Morcrette + ? Claes Larsson Angela Benedetti RAQ sub-project Miha Razinger Antje Dethof Johannes Flemming
GHG assimilation system & reanalysis Head-start from FP5 COCO project Have generalized model code for new GEMS variables – common to GHG, GRG and AER Implemented surface fluxes of CO2 Have run two-month Radon forecast Generalising code for background-error constraint Jb – common to GHG, GRG and AER April
GRG assimilation system & reanalysis Head-start on O3 from operations and ERA-40 Have generalized model code for new GEMS variables Started to address CTM coupling Generalising code for background-error constraint Jb Have extended observation processing routines to include other GRG (NO2, SO2, CO, CH2O) variables First copy O3 observation operators. Later use averaging kernels. SBUV and SCIAMACHY O3 retrievals assimilated
AER assimilation system & reanalysis Have generalized model code for new GEMS variables Are implementing specific aerosol parametrizations Generalising code for background-error constraint Jb Have introduced aerosol total optical depth as new observed variable Have run aerosol forecasts from climatological initial data and derived error statistics from “NMC method” Activity to be coordinated with Task 3 of AER sub-project
Technical observation processing Discussed “generalised BUFR definition” Updated Envisat-PDS to BUFR software Reviewed data availability Extracted sample MODIS aerosol, SCIAMACHY NO2 and MOPITT CO data (all in HDF) Next: Set up BUFR definitions, starting with sample datasets Develop HDF-to-BUFR converter Maintain data-availability spreadsheet
Web interface & verification tools Last task to start Basic prototype for plot display has been set up Claude Gibert will discuss capabilities and access mechanisms in Technical Session 3 Strong interaction with RAQ project; plan for verification needs developing