Discovering User Behavior in Your Discovery System Custom Google Analytics Event Tracking
Primo at Notre Dame Local Primo installation PCI results included in 2012, 672 collections currently activated About 5 million local records after deduping 3.7+ million Aleph records from ND and three other local academic libraries 2 million(ish) HathiTrust records Plus records from our Special Collections and the Kresge Law Library ND: 8000 undergrads, 4000 grad students
Google Analytics Event Tracking
Browser development tools GreaseMonkey (FireFox add-on) jQuery Colleagues and StackExchange! Other tools
1 var recordTab = $("ul.EXLResultTabs"); 2 recordTab.on("click", "li.EXLResultTab", function() { 3var link = $(this); 4ga('send', 'event', 'Onesearch Records','Access', link.text()); 5 });
var recordTab = $("ul.EXLResultTabs"); // console.log("recordTab:",recordTab); recordTab.on("click", "li.EXLResultTab", function() { var link = $(this); // var label = link.text(); // console.log("Click recordTab: ",label); ga('send', 'event', ‘CATEGORY',’ACTION', LABEL); });
Basic Discovery Service Questions How many searches and sessions does our discovery system get? How does that compare to our legacy catalog? How has it changed from year to year? What devices are our patrons using? Should we focus more on mobile devices?
Interface-related Questions What facets and record tabs are used most? Are there facets or record tabs that aren’t used much? Do our patrons continue on to the second, third or fourth page of results? Do our patrons use the new browse search? Do our patrons come to Primo only to switch over to the Aleph OPAC?
Content-related Questions What record sources are used most heavily? Specifically, what Primo Central Index collections are used most? Do patrons take advantage of content-related Primo features, like reviews/tags, recommended articles and virtual browse? What is the relative discovery rate of our print and electronic collections?
Three Examples
Usage of tabs Method: track clicks on tabs, using tab name as label Results: tabs associated with access get most usage, followed by tabs associated with details. Reviews/Tags tab got almost no clicks, and most clicks did not translate into someone leaving a review or adding a tag Decision: after correlating with data about number of tags and reviews, removed this tab
Facet usage Method: track clicks on facets, using facet header as event label Results: some facets (publication date, on shelf/access online, resource type) are used a lot, some are used very little (esp. journal title and author facets)
Facet usage, continued Decision: we talked about making changes to the way facets are displayed, renaming some of the facets, re-ordering the facets, or even hiding least-used facets, but decided to keep them the way they are Future steps: continue to monitor this, especially as new search personalization options are added in Primo 4.6
Usage of records by source Method: send event each time a link inside a record is clicked, using record source as the action and link text (in most cases) as the label
Category: OneSearch - Source Tracking Action: Aleph (deduped) Label: Access Online / Project Muse Category: OneSearch - Source Tracking Action: Aleph (deduped) Label: Virtual Shelf
Usage of records by source, cont. Results: usage of our local Aleph records is just over half of total record usage This is especially surprising, given the huge number of Primo Central records and the fact that the default search scope includes both local and PCI records. One factor may be that we heavily weight our local records, but it may also reflect the preferences of our patrons
Usage of records by source, cont. Decisions: as far as I know, we haven’t made any changes to our local record weighting or to our PCI collection activations based on this data, but we have used it as we consider adding a new local collection (Center for Research Libraries catalog), and which search scope(s) we will add it to
Thanks! Questions? Lauren Ajamie Electronic Resources Librarian University of Notre Dame Hesburgh Libraries