Computer Hardware
History of Computing Code breakers in World War I and II developed the world’s first computers. In the 1950s and 1960s computers were further developed. Computers were very big and less advanced than today. In the 1980s the personal computer (PC) came into wide use.
Computer Hardware Hardware is the working part of the computer that you can see and touch. Your computer hardware includes the motherboard, hard drive, monitor, keyboard, CD-ROM drive, mouse, diskette media, modem, graphics and sound cards, speakers and printer. Your hardware can be affected by electrical power surges. Safeguard your equipment with a surge protector.
What is inside your PC (Personal Computer)? Always remember to discharge static electricity when you open your computer! Let’s look inside a computer. The diagram on the right shows you some of the things you may find inside.
The Motherboard Your computer’s motherboard is the heart of the PC. Everything is attached to it. It is the main circuit board in your computer.
Computer Hardware – the Hard Drive The Hard drive is an INTERNAL device. It is connected to your motherboard. It is your computer’s main source of stored memory. This is where data is permanently stored. The Hard Drive at Work The hard drive is about the size of a paperback book. The Hard Drive A Simpler Explanation
RAM Random Access Memory The memory your computer uses to perform tasks while the computer is on. Everything is lost from the RAM when the computer is turned off. More RAM means more power. More RAM means that your computer can perform more complex tasks and more tasks at one time. What is RAM?
The Processor (Microprocessor) A silicon chip that contains the CPU (central processing unit). It processes data. It is the “brain” of your computer. It controls the speed of your computer. A 1MHz CPU can accomplish one million CPU cycles in one second. The microprocessor is attached to the motherboard. The Central Processing Unit
CD-ROM Drive “CD” stands for “compact disc”. “ROM” stands for “Read Only Media”. Compact discs are media, or storage units. Most newer drives are rewritable. CD-ROM discs can hold up to 680 MB of data.
More about CD ROM Drives The CD ROM is an optical disk. It uses laser technology to read data written onto tiny aluminum coated bumps that are arranged in a spiral pattern on a polycarbonate disk. How a CD works Inside a CD ROM drive
The Keyboard The keyboard of your computer is a data input device. The keyboard is one of your computer’s peripherals. There are several kinds of keyboards.
Types of Keyboards - Standard A standard keyboard has letter keys, number keys (2 sets) and function keys. All computer keyboards have “Ctrl” (control), Alt (alternative) and Delete keys.
Ergonomic Keyboards Because many people were injured by standard keyboards Ergonomic Keyboards were developed. They are designed to be easier to use. Now days there are also wireless keyboards.
The Mouse The “mouse” is also called a “pointing device. The mouse controls the movement of the cursor. There are several types of mice: mechanical and optical. A mouse can also be wireless.
The Monitor The monitor is a peripheral device of your PC (computer). The monitor is also called the “display”. The monitor allows you to see what is happening in your PC. The information received by the monitor is processed by a graphics card. The graphics card is attached to your motherboard.
Floppy Drives A disc drive that reads a floppy disc. Usually this is drive “A:” in your computer. Almost obsolete. It only holds about 1 MB of memory Some newer computers do not even include a 3.5” floppy drive.
The Modem A modem is a communications device. It converts data so that it can be sent over a phone line. This is your computer’s link to the internet. These days, many people are connecting to the internet wirelessly. They then use a wireless modem.
Speakers and Headphones When the computer has an audio output device (a pair of speakers of headphones) you can hear sound. They are connected to your sound card (which is connected to your motherboard).
Other Hardware Devices There are many other peripheral devices that can be a part of your personal computer. These may include: Joysticks, scanners, zips drives, external hard drives, DVD drives, cameras and much more!
The Flash Drive A flash drive or USB drive (also called a “thumb drive”) is the latest in portable memory storage. It is small, holds a lot of memory and is fairly cheap. (4 GB for $10)