IT Essentials Module 1 Review for Test
Hard Drives Know the three common types of interfaces SCSII IDE SATA Number of devices/controller for each How many conductors for each type of cable Find in sections & 1.4.7
Motherboard Chipset Know what the other components are determined by the chipset. Also know the activities that are controlled by the Northbridge part of the chipset. Found in section
CPU Question Read the question carefully. Know about the reduced instruction approach to chip design. Find this in 1.4.2
Memory Types ROM Read only - Used to hold the boot sequence and low-level motherboard functions. Data in ROM stays when power is removed. Find in 1.4.4
Memory Types RAM Random access memory. Holds data and programs while machine is running. Loses everything when power is removed. SRAM Cache memory. Is used for “read ahead” functions to speed things along. Find in 1.4.4
Input/Output Devices Think about this one. Inputs add data and tell the computer what to do. Outputs give the the result of what the computer has done. Storage devices are NOT considered input or output devices. Find in 1.6 & 1.7
Cable Types Most of you know most cable types currently being used. USB Firewire SATA You also need to recognize legacy cables Parallel Serial Find in section 1.5
Cable Types Know how many pins/conductors for: Firewire SCSII Parallel Know Maximum length for Serial Parallel Firewire USB Find in section 1.5
Know About IRQ’s DMA Memory addresses I/O addresses What are these? Find in section 1.8 The different kinds of read-only memory. Find is section
That’s it! Good luck on the next pass.