Henk Eskes GEMS overall validation workpackage Henk Eskes Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
Henk Eskes Overall validation workpackage Last year of the project Milestones in month 48 Involves all (validation) partners, but specifically MPI-BGC, DMI, NUIG, KNMI (assimilation will provide important feedback) Aims: A major validation of the entire system, special focus on the interactions between the parts Assessment of the implementation and performance of the GEMS system, focus on transport aspects of relevance to all sub-projects Assessment of the (quality of the) extended retrospective analysis of the EOS-Envisat period
Henk Eskes Examples Aspects common to the WPs, e.g. methane: in GHG and GRG, aerosol vs reactive gases (heterogeneous processes), aerosol and moisture / cloud / radiation and temperature Radiance assimilation involves several model parameters e.g. AIRS feedback loops formulation of covariance will be crucial tracer observation impact on winds unobserved components of the model transport related biases: Brewer-Dobson, STE, subgrid (convec) SF6, 222Rn, 210Pb 4D-Var powerful and dangerous !
Henk Eskes Validation WP - years 1-3 ? There are several areas of overlaps between WPs: Interaction between WPs important Common validation data base ?