Daily TAKS Connection: Convection, Conduction, and Radiation IPC(6): The student knows the impact of energy transformations in everyday life. The student is expected to: (B) Investigate and demonstrate the movement of heat through solids, liquids, and gases by convection, conduction, and radiation.
Foldable Instructions Materials: Paper Scissors Pen Colored pencils/crayons Instructions: Hot Dog fold paper With the paper turned horizontally, make 3 cuts from top to bottom stopping at the fold. Label 1 flap Conduction, 1 flap Convection, and 1 flap Radiation.
Foldable Completion Using the “Foldable Cut-Out Sheet”, cut-out the definitions and pictures. Glue the picture and the definition of each of the types of heat transfer on the inside of the flap that it matches.
Foldable completion, cont’d. Using the “Foldable Cut-Out Sheet”, cut-out the solid, liquid and gas representations. Glue them on the inside of your foldable on the portion that has not been cut. Label each picture as either a solid, liquid, or gas.
Quick Review Is a solid a fluid? NO!! Do solids have fluid motion? NO!! VERY important: only fluids can transfer heat by convection
Question 1 The primary way liquids and gases (fluids) transmit heat is by the process of A. reflection B. conduction C. radiation D. convection
Question 2 Heat convection occurs in gases and liquids. Heat convection does not occur in solids because solids are unable to – A. absorb heat by vibrating B. transfer heat by fluid motion C. emit radiation by reflecting light D. exchange heat by direct contact
Question 3 In winter the air just above the top bunk of a bunk bed is warmer than the air just above the bottom bunk because warm air rises. Which of the methods of heating causes this difference in temperature?
Question 4 Name the method of heating that best describes each of the following: a. A satellite is warmed by sunlight. b. Butter melts on warm bread. c A ceiling fan cools a warm room.
Insulators and Conductors Notes (Write these in a T-Chart format next to the pictures of the States of Matter) conductors allow heat to transfer readily Black improves absorption of infrared radiation (heat) Ex: metals are good conductors of heat; painted black are even better insulators do not readily allow the transfer of heat Ex: glass and plastic are good insulators of heat
Now Apply Your Knowledge determine whether a substance is a good conductor or insulator based on data provided FYI (Write this in your T-Chart!) good insulators don’t allow heat loss/gain; therefore little or no temperature change good conductors do allow heat loss/gain; therefore a large temperature change will take place
Insulators and Conductors Classifying Game Use the cards to determine which objects Conduct Heat or Do Not Conduct Heat Place each object under the correct heading.
Question 5 Which container is a better insulator? A better conductor? Why?