Medium Voltage products Energy reliability & revenue improvement Speaker: Jean-Yves Pocthier - Schneider Electric France Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006
2 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 I. Introduction II. Fault Detection III. Remote control IV. Conclusion Medium Voltage products Energy reliability & revenue improvement Guiding System The new way to make your electrical installations in Electrical Distribution
3 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 Main causes population growth related economical development Limitations on electricity side production means (power plants) aging T&D networks outages technical and non-technical losses I. Introduction An increasing demand for Energy
4 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 Quality of service can be measured 5 distribution quality indexes (SAIDI, SAIDIp, SAIFI, SAIFIp, SAFIsh) MV network accounts for 50% of the total faults HV network (25%) and LV network (25%) Use a global approach to improve the network use simultaneously different technical solutions optimise the use of the existing power means I. Introduction How to improve MV distribution
5 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 Today ’s focus Reliability of distributed energy Cables, lines and switchgears improvement Reduction of outage occurrences and duration Voltage level control Harmonic filtering Revenues Reduction of non-distributed energy (hence billing) Reduction of non-technical losses Optimisation of investment costs I. Introduction How to improve MV distribution
6 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 On utilities side Revenues (non-distributed energy). Equipment damage. Standby generators. Customer satisfaction & regulator penalties. On customers side Plants damages – smelters, paper mill, etc. Lost production time. Political issues Government pressure to improve power quality. I. Introduction Outage costs
7 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 Nature Transient faults (70%) –conductors clashing in the wind, tree branches, animals on conductors, lightning strikes Permanent faults (30%) –careless vehicle drivers, operating errors (earth lead connected while re-energizing), engine Types earth faults –detected by unbalance threshold phase to phase faults –detected by phase over current thresholds I. Introduction Types of faults
8 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 Today ’s focus This solution is well known and widely used in South Africa I. Introduction Comprehensive solution to reduce outages The solution is a combination of different devices Distribution lines standalone Fault Passage Indicators remote controlled FPIs remote controlled switchgears (LBS, sectionalizers) Reclosers Underground cables standalone FPIs remote controlled FPIs remote controlled switchgears (LBS, CB)
9 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 NO MV/LV substations in underground cable network Pole mounted switches & MV/LV transformers I. Introduction Comprehensive solutions to reduce outage Control centre NO Standalone FPIs ++ low cost ++ high accuracy -- local indication -- local reconfiguration no current & power measurement -- no remote maintenance NO Remote controlled FPIs -+ medium cost -+ average accuracy ++ immediate remote indication -- local reconfiguration current & power measurement ++ remote maintenance NO Remote controlled switches -- high cost -- low accuracy ++ immediate remote indication ++ immediate remote reconfiguration current & power measurement ++ remote maintenance
10 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 I. Introduction II. Fault Detection III. Remote control IV. Conclusion Medium Voltage products Energy reliability & revenue improvement
11 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 It helps reducing outages (hence costs), thanks to: its help to locate the faulty segment by –the detection of both earth and phase-phase faults. –a powerful visual indication. Standalone FPIs may be chosen among the following types: –for Distribution lines –Clip on phase conductors. –Pole mounted –for Underground cable network: –Wall mounted –Embedded into RMUs II. Fault Detection Standalone FPI OVERHEAD LINES tamper-proof all types of pole UNDERGROUND CABLES easy to install balanced poles (A-shape) easy to install retrofit or new sites self-powered current measurement Examples of products
12 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 In addition to the benefits of a standalone FPI, it provides the following : Immediate alarm report to the SCADA Transient fault detection & counting MV measurement recording (current & power) There are two types FPIs fitted with a dry contact output relay, connected to a digital input of a standard RTU fitted with modem functions –poor reliability - no MV measurement FPIs embedding a RTU function able to record and report alarms & measurement of the MV line on which it is connected –reliability and MV measurement –=> helps to track non-technical losses II. Fault Detection Remote controlled FPI Protocoles Function IEC DNP3 MODBUS Earth fault & overcurrent detection Recording of time-stamped events Recording of load measurement Alarms reporting Transmission RS232 GSM-GPRS PSTN Mhz radio
13 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 I. Introduction II. Fault Detection III. Remote control IV. Conclusion Medium Voltage products Energy reliability & revenue improvement
14 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 Ready to connect simple and reliable Ideal remote control cabinet Local devices: protection relays, PM, … Control center: DNP3, IEC, Modbus III. Remote control Local devices: protection relays, PM, … Control center: DNP3, IEC, Modbus substation to retrofit or new design Fault detection & measurement Simple & reliable local operation Monitoring & control Guaranteed switch operation Remote maintenance Open communications Concentrator function
15 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 Control Control of all switchgears FPI function. Current or power measurement. Logic control Communication to SCADA (IEC, DNP3,..) to IEDs (protection relays, PM) using radio, PSTN, GSM/ GPRS,… recording event & measurement. –=> helps to track non-technical losses downloading of SS configuration and software updates. Power supply reliable main and back-up supplies, switch operation during outages. III. Remote control Ideal remote control cabinet T200 I Underground Substations T200 P Overhead switches up to 16 switches FPI function on all feeders Data exchange with IEDs Auto-changeover function up to 2 switches IP55 enclosure Sectionaliser function Examples of products
16 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 I. Introduction II. Fault Detection III. Remote control/Sectionalizing IV. Conclusion Medium Voltage products Energy reliability & revenue improvement
17 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 Standalone FPIs, remote controlled FPIs and remote controlled switches are 3 complementary ways to improve a MV network. Each step will improve network availability and control, hence its reliability and revenues, and some may help to reduce non-technical losses Improving the availability helps to lower operation costs and meets regulatory obligations. IV. Conclusion 3 main messages 3 main messages
18 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 for your attention T T hanks
19 AMEU October v0 Technical solution for improvement of distributed energy reliability and revenue improvement AMEU 2006 uestions & answers Q Q