Computer applications Dr. Omar Al Jadaan
Computer applications Information technology helping to solve crime: to detect crime, information must be accurate and obtained quickly. A police national computer PNC provides rapid access, day and night. Terminal and computers are connected to mainframe computer which provides information such as suspected and stolen vehicles index, name index, vehicle owner index and fingerprint index.
3-D modeling to solve crimes Dead body’s skull are input into the computer and model is generated of a likely face belonging to skull. The face can be modeled quickly and cost are reduced. Electronic security cameras: Many shopping canters use electronic security cameras which have helped reduce crimes and robberies.
Information technology in the Suopermarket Barcode reader reads the information of the goods and compare it with the database information then update the database either by deleting item or adding item Advantages to customers – Transactions done automatically – Customers spend less time in the line – Customers can pay by checks/credit cards Bar-code system reads a code of 13 digits first two digits are country code, second 5 digits are manufacturer’s code, next 5 digits are product code and last digit is a check digit.
EFTPOS and the use of credit cards: electronic fund transfer at point of sale is the method used by supermarket to transfer money from customer’s credit card or debit card directly to the supermarket bank account. sales-based ordering: is an automatic reordering of the goods from warehouse using the sale info from the checkout. Stock control: as a stock level in the supermarket goes down, the computer automatically re-order the goods from the warehouse and suppliers.
Electronic shelf labeling Liquid crystal shelf labeling is connected to the computer, whenever price change in the computer database, they are also displayed in the shelf labels. Electronic data integrity (EDI) is a method of speeding up the transfer of orders to suppliers. This eliminate the need for paper work.
Designing store layout using CAD: new store layouts are designed using computer aided design. Warehouse systems: computers are used in the warehouse to monitor complex stock control and make the best of space, time, and labor. Electronic mail: are faster and safer to send. The receiver does not need to be present when the is sent. People can be sure that the messages are received.
Information technology and Medicine Organ transplants when a person dies and his organ donated, the computer can be used to match and identify the receiver patient. Diagnosis: a computers are used to diagnose many illness such as electrocardiographs to find the heartbeat. Identify tumors: computers can be used to locate tumors at early stage. Body scanners are used to get the digital image and display it on TV screen.
Intensive Care: computers are used in intensive care unites to monitor instruments which record important data about patient. If data moved outside certain limits an alarm is sounded, so that immediate medical help can be brought. Keeping patients records: patients records are kept in the computer database. Computers can be used to provide a complete, accurate and up to date information about patients health.
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