We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. 23 rd December 2011 Noida, UP Restructured APDRP By - V K Shah Executive Director, PFC
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. The presentation cover: i) RAPDRP Structure ii) Part A – IT, Part A – SCADA and Part B Projects iii) RAPDRP implementation in UP ii) Progress of Implementation of RAPDRP iii) Issues / Areas of concerned / lessons learned iv) Intervention required v) Way forward
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. Major, technology focused, initiative launched by GOI in 2008 Objective is demonstrable performance in terms of sustained AT& C loss reduction to below 15% at town level Loss reduction targets at utility level : 3 % per annum, if AT&C loss > 30% and 1.5 % for utilities having AT&C loss < 30% Total Outlay of the Scheme is over Rs cr. PFC has been designated, by MOP, as the Nodal Agency. RAPDRP steering committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Sect(P). Part-A to focus on establishment of IT enabled system for achieving reliable & sustainable baseline data system and automisation of business process for distribution utilities.
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. Part A also include establishment of SCADA and DMS systems in big towns (population > 4 lacs and input energy > 350 MU). Part-B focuses on implementation of Sub Transmission & Distribution system strengthening & up-gradation projects Part-C of the scheme aims at Capacity Building of Utility personnel, development of franchisees, incentive scheme for loss reduction, pilot projects in areas of innovative technologies and smart grid etc. Funding Part A -IT and SCADA projects : Initially 100% as loan. To be converted into grant on successful completion and verification by Third Party Independent Evaluation Agency (TPIEA) as per RAPDRP guidelines. Funding Part B Projects: Initially 100 % as loan (from GoI and Fis / own source ). Convertible into grant up to 50% (90% in special category states) on AT&C loss reduction to below 15 on sustained basis for five years. Funding Part C is entirely through grant.
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. Part A projects envisaged technological intervention, at such massive scale, first time in the country for tackling the inefficiency and AT &C losses in the Power Distribution Sector. The Project covers establishment of one Data Centre (DC) and Disaster Recovery Centre (DRC) in each for the state/ UT. Common DC and DR envisaged for NE states and UT with neighboring states. The data at HT consumers, 11 kV feeders and DTs. The GIS (consumer indexing and assets mapping ) are also established. The project include establishment of one consumer care centre (CCC) in each of the state power utilities for addressing consumer issues. The project include automisation of business process / Dev. of software solution for 17 modules such as MBC, Energy Audit, Connection / Disconnection, Network Analysis etc.
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. The part B project is for distribution system improvement & strengthening works. The activities to be covered in DPR are : HVDS (11 kV), Aerial Bunched Conductoring in dense areas Replacement of electromagnetic energy meters with tamper proof electronic meters. Installation of capacitor banks Renovation, modernization and strengthening of 11 kV S/S, Transformers Reconductoring of lines at 11 kV level & below Load bifurcation, feeder separation, load balancing Mobile service centers Strengthening of 33 kV or 66 kV levels (in exceptional cases). Any other work which would lead to Loss Reduction in project area. Enabling works for Implementing SCADA projects in the eligible towns.
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. PFC, as Nodal Agency, under the guidance of MoP : Empanelled 21 IT Consultants, 139 IT Implementation Agencies to take up different roles Empanelled 14 SCADA Consultants, 15 SCADA Implementation Agencies Appointed Third Party Independent Evaluation Agencies- Energy Accounting (TPIEA-EA) for all states across India Process of appointment of TPIEA-IT in progress DPR Formats / template and Model Bidding Documents finalised for use by the Utilities for all kind of projects under RAPDRP. A dedicated web portal ( has been established for dissemination of information and monitoring.
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. All states across the country have appointed IT Consultants 28 states across the country have appointed IT Implementation agencies 16 states have appointed SCADA Consultants Appointment of SCADA Implementing Agency (SIA) in progress Two utilities have appointed SIA. All the states have signed the Quadripartite Agreement. Capacity Building of Power Utility personnel at various levels has been identified as an essential part of R-APDRP. PFC is acting as National Repository for Capacity Building Database Model Incentive scheme drafted by PFC for the perusal of the Utilities
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. Sanctioned : Part A IT- all eligible 1402 towns, INR 5196 cr. Part A SCADA – 60 towns, INR 1386 cr Part B (Distribution Strengthening PROJECTS) – 1039 towns, INR cr. Disbursement : Total INR 4561 cr 10,000+ personnel of the various Power Distribution Utilities have been imparted training under Capacity Building (Part C) of R-APDRP Verifi cation of AT&C losses 1113 towns ring fenced across India and baseline data (AT&C losses) verified for 348 towns. Integration of towns IT with Data Centre have commenced under Part A. DC have been established in 7 states.
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. Part A IT implementation States of Gujarat, West Bengal, Uttarakhand, MP and Punjab, Sikkim, are progressing relatively better and expected to complete the project within 36 – 42 months from sanction. States and ITIA of UP, Maharashtra, AP, Tamilnadu, Rajasthan, Karnataka, HP have to put more efforts to complete the project in months from sanction. Other states are lagging in implementation (Bihar, Jharkhand, J&K, Goa and NE states). Haryana and Kerala yet to start. Chhattisgarh has retendered. Part B implementation MP, Gujarat, Rajasthan, WB and Karnataka have started implementation of Part B, other states are in the process.
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. Longer than envisaged time taken in appointment of IT implementing agency (in many cases more than 12 months). Longer than envisaged time taken in mobilisation and tying up of other agencies i.e. GSP, NBSP, MDAS etc and commencement of work. Deployment of dedicated and skilled manpower by utilities and ITIA, specifically for MDAS, GIS and Software Development Proper planning and Administrative restructuring in the Utilities for migration to new IT based business environment – preparing for change management The activities lacking are: Readiness of DC, DR and CCC building with infra in many states. Development of software modules ( 17 as per SRS of RAPDRP) / Customization and legacy system.
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. Real Challenge is implementation of Geographical Information System. Consumer indexing and Assets Mapping Achieved to the extent of 15% to 40% only in most of the states in last more than one and half year (except in West Bengal and Gujarat) and yet to commence in many states. Large gaps in survey carried out / information complied and validated by utilities. The main reason is deployment of skilled man power by implementing agency. Meter Data Acquisition System (MDAS) -- installation of meters and modems ( almost in all states the progress is lacking, except in West Bengal). Tying up of Network Band Width Service Provider and Connectivity of towns with DC is lacking. The real Challenge is that the utilities run the risk of loans not getting converted into grant, if project is not completed in successfully time as per guidelines.
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. Other issues Common Data Centre and DR Centre (within states – amongst utilities, with state and neighboring UT / state and common for all NE states). Meters specifications and testing. Readiness of Business process Integration with legacy system Mind set and cahange management Procurement of imageries for towns Court / litigation cases ( Kerala and Assam) IT implementing Agency backing out.
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. Augmentation of skilled manpower by ITIA and Utilities (ITIA to augment man power with domain knowledge in power sector, Utility to augment core team dedicated for the project). Coordination amongst stake holders ( also co-ordination between various implementing agencies and utilities in the states). Better Project Management and Monitoring of the project at ITIA, Utility and state govt. level Parallel action need to be plan for accelerating implementation. Hired DC building, development of software, adoption of best practices for GIS and MDAS activities. Identifying critical areas and focusing on the same.
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. RAPDRP is creating IT enabling base line data system and TPIEA have verified the towns AT&C losses in about 300 towns. Utilities can draw the administrative measures for reducing the AT&C losses in these towns by curbing the theft, without awaiting for implementation of Part B. RAPDRP may be considered for extending to towns having population up to 15,000 ( up to 5000 in special category states) from present 30,000 ( in spl cat states). RAPDRP funding may be considered for extending to private utilities, beginning with DISCOMs in Orissa. RAPDRP funding may be considered for extending for Part B for towns having AT&C losses < 15%. RAPDRP funding may be considered for Part A SCADA projects for towns having population of > 2 lacs and input energy of > 150 MU
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. RAPDRP projects are expected to establish base line IT systems for about 1400 towns and SCADA / DMS in 60 large towns. It is opportune time to start from here and initiate developing smart grid suitable for implementation for Indian conditions. Govt,. Of India have already taken the initiative of forming India Smart Grid task force and India Smart Grid Forum. Pilot projects for Smart grid can be considered for funding under Part C of RAPDRP. Conclusion Huge benefits are involved for all stake holders in implementation of RAPDRP and a concerted effort by all the stakeholders can make the program a grand success; thereby helping the power sector to grow.
We create possibilities of a better tomorrow Power Finance Corporation Ltd. Thank You