* Circuits and Conductors * Solids and Liquids * Keeping Things Warm * Friction * Moving and Growing * Habitats
* Power sources * Creating circuits with more than 1 component * Using correct circuit symbols * Insulators and conductors * Electrical safety
* Differences between solids and liquids * Measuring liquids * Separating solids and liquids * Separating mixtures-filtering * Dissolving * Reversible and irreversible changes
* Materials which are thermal conductors and insulators * Suitability of different materials for different purposes * Investigating insulators and conductors * Measuring temperature using a thermometer
* Review forces- push, pull * Gravity * Friction- air, water resistance, surface friction * Effects of friction on moving objects * Measuring force with a newton metre
* Importance of a healthy and adequate diet * Differences between living and non living things * Name and identify location of major bones in the body * Purpose of a skeleton and muscles
* Identify different types of habitats * Investigating habitats * Grouping and classifying organisms * Food chains * Life cycle of a plant
* Learn new vocabulary – use it in context * Practical activities – cooking, gardening, nature walks, investigating * Talk – questioning, thinking, reasoning, explaining * Research – library, internet * Science Museum
* Aim – what are we trying to find out? * Equipment * Method – what are we going to do? * Prediction – what do you think will happen? Why? * Results – tables, charts * Conclusion – what happened and why?