Mrs. Rich’s Language Arts Class
Components Reading Literacy Analysis Vocabulary Formal/Informal Writing Grammar Study
Resources Language!-Jane Fell Green Sopris West Read Naturally Lexia Reading SOS –Lexia Learning MegaWords-Educators Publishing Prentice Hall Literature Sadlier Oxford Vocabulary John Collins Writing program Holt Elements of Language Grammar Classroom novels
What is LANGUAGE!? LANGUAGE! is a comprehensive literacy curriculum: Grounded in research Based on teacher input, testing, and review Designed for differentiating instruction based on student needs home.aspx
Read Naturally is a fluency intervention and/or supplemental program. Based upon the assumption that struggling readers typically have difficulty with fluency, stemming from phonological processing problems. For demonstrations, visit
LEXIA Lexia Reading’s Scope and Sequence incorporates all 5 of the core reading skills determined essential by the National Reading Panel for reading proficiency. These essential reading skills are: * Phonological Awareness * Phonological Awareness/Phonics * Vocabulary * Fluency * Comprehension To see demonstration, visit
Megawords The Megawords series offers a systematic, multisensory approach to learning the longer words encountered from fourth grade on. Word lists build sequentially on phonic and structural elements. Lists are alphabetically sorted, separating practical spelling words from less-common words. The workbooks teach students word attack strategies that they can apply to sounding out unfamiliar multisyllabic words and the varied exercises take a multisensory approach. To view sample lessons, visit
Prentice Hall Literature Textbook companionhttp:// Sadlier Oxford Literature Online support John Collins Writing Program