1 Technology Department Frédérick Bordry 8 th June 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Department Frédérick Bordry 8 th June 2009


3 The Technology Department is responsible for technologies which are specific to existing particle accelerators, facilities and future projects. The main domains of activities cover: magnets (superconducting, normal conducting, fast pulsed magnets, electrostatic and magnetic septa), their machine integration and protection, power converters, cryogenics, high & ultra-high vacuum systems, coatings and surface treatments. The Technology Department provides support to the experimental detectors, mainly for cryogenics, vacuum, coatings, surface treatments and power converters. The dominating part of the activities for the next few years is the operation of the LHC (LHC ring and injectors) and its upgrades (LHC injector consolidation, Linac 4, SLHC phase 1). The Technology Department is responsible to design equipments, systems and studies where necessary for consolidations, upgrades (SPL, PS2, SLHC phase 2,…) and future CERN projects (CLIC,…) Technology Department Mandate


TE-ABT mandate : Accelerator Beam Transfer The group is in charge of the design, development, construction, installation, exploitation and maintenance of injection and extraction related equipment: fast pulsed magnets with associated high voltage pulse generators and transmission lines; electrostatic and magnetic septa, including high voltage power supplies for electrostatic septa; extraction related protection devices; associated equipment-level control systems (hard- and software). The group is responsible for injection and extraction systems in the entire accelerator complex and for beam transfer lines between accelerators and primary beam lines up to targets, including the full commissioning of the LHC injection and beam dumping systems and their potential upgrade. This responsibility comprises the conception, layout and optics design, equipment specification, technical coordination, commissioning, performance follow-up and beam physics of underlying processes. 51 staff

TE-ABT: Fast pulsed systems (“kickers”) LHC injection kickers very short pulses (from O(100 ns): strip-line kickers … Ferrite cores … up to >100 μs: steel tapes) high voltage (up to 80 kV), high current (up to 30 kA) high voltage assemblies and circuitry (switches (gas tubes or semiconductor), cables, connectors) ultra high vacuum (down to mbar), precision mechanics, brazing/welding techniques, various metals, surface coating, ceramic insulators and capacitors (in vacuum) oil and gas systems for insulation and cooling simulation and measurements of electric/magnetic fields, pulse forms, beam impedance GTO based HV switch many different shapes/sizes 5 m long L-C network

TE-ABT: Electrostatic and magnetic septa septum magnet positioning system vacuum tank HV deflector beam screen thin foil (or wires) HV electrode insulators foil tensioners high voltage (up to 300 kV) electrostatic devices and accessories (cables, switches, resistors, …) pulsed (ms to s), high current (up to 40 kA, 100 A/mm 2 ), thin water-cooled septum coils ultra high vacuum (down to mbar), precision mechanics, precision positioning systems, brazing/welding techniques, various metals, surface coating, ceramic insulators electromagnetic field calculations, mechanical stress analyses, thermal/cooling considerations typically high radiation levels many different shapes/sizes

Methodology Design, construction, operation & maintenance of cryogenic systems for accelerators and detectors »Design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the cryogenic systems for CERN accelerators and detectors »Operation, maintenance and upgrade of cryogenic test facilities »Support for low-temperature developments & tests at the Central Cryogenic Laboratory »Supply of cryogenic fluids on the CERN site »Consultancy & support in cryogenic design & cryogenic instrumentation. TE-CRG Mandate : Cryogenics 65 staff

Helium Refrigerators 1.8 K refrigeration units (up to K) 4.5 K Refrigerators (up to K)

Cryogen Storage and distribution GHe storage LN2 storage Cryo-magnet Distribution line (QRL) Interconnection box Vertical transfer line

11 TE-EPC (Electrical Power Converters) group is responsible for design, procurement or construction, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of all: Electrical Power Converters and static VAR compensators for the present and future accelerators, including experimental areas at CERN. TE-EPC Mandate 66 staff

[2kA, 8V] Soft-switching modular power converters 1-quadrant converters: - [13kA,18V] : 5*[3.25kA,18V] - [8kA,8V] : 5*[2kA,8V] - [6kA,8V] : 4*[2kA,8V] - [4kA,8V] : 3*[2kA,8V]

: Last year(s) of operation for the PS rotating machine! Fully static power converter Exchange of energy between capacitor banks and the magnets First power test: Dec New PS 60 MW power system

Pulsed Klystron modulators for LINAC’s (ex. Linac 4) Characteristics : - output voltage : 100 kV - output current : 20 A - pulse length : 700  s - flat top stability : better than 1% - 2 Hz repetition rate 700 µs Beam passage Peak power : 2 MW

-Total of SVC’s / filter inst.: 12 -Rated voltage:18 kV -Total surface:14’000 m 2 -Total value (prices 2007): 45 MCHF -Total capacitive power: 550 Mvar (= kV) -For comparison: CERN consumption 2008:380 MVA peak (=12.2 kA 18 kV) SVC’s and harmonic filters at CERN (status 2009)

16 Design, construction and measurements of Superconducting and Normal conducting Magnets for the CERN accelerator complex. Design and construction of cryostats for magnets, SCRF cryomodules and other accelerator equipments. Support to operation of the accelerators for magnets, current leads, operation of the magnet and cryostat facilities. Development of associated technologies, namely superconductors, insulation and polymers, superconducting electrical devices and magnetic measurements for present and future accelerators. TE- MSC Mandate : Magnets, Superconductors, Cryostats 94 staff

Superconductivity T = 4.2 K LHC 400 tonnes of high quality NbTi (47%); Used in 1200 tonnes km of Cu/NbTi cable; more than 20,000 measurements at 1.9 K

HTS applications Present LHC application: Ag/Bi-2223 Current : > K Assembly of short strips (< 50 cm) Rigid conductor Superconductor expensive New studies: LHC upgr. new application: MgB2 Current : > K Length : > 60 m Flexible cable Cheap Superconductor Future : development of >150 m cable K with Ybco

Electromagnetic and thermo-mechanical modeling

Magnet technology: high field in - so far – moderate size

Power test of magnets (1.9K – 13 kA) electronics and device for precise meas.

Support LHC operation and maintain state-of-the art technology for magnet circuit protection and interlock systems for the present and future accelerators, magnet test facilities and CERN hosted experiments. – Responsibility for the electrical integrity of magnet circuits. – Coordination of the commissioning of the LHC magnet system (“Hardware Commissioning”) and magnet circuit performance evaluation. – Coordination of the LHC machine protection systems and responsibility for its coherence and overall performance. – Specific studies related to machine protection for topics that go across different systems. – Responsibility for the functional operation of DFBs, DSLs and their auxiliary equipment. – Responsibility for the electrical quality assurance (ELQA) during magnet interconnections and hardware commissioning as well as for electrical diagnostics and interventions during operation. – Responsibility for the magnet protection system and machine interlocks for the CERN accelerator complex, including design, construction and exploitation. – To guarantee permanence of expertise, follow the state-of-the-art and to develop knowledge for design, construction and operation of failsafe and reliable electronics. TE- MPE Mandate Machine Protection and Electrical integrity 27 staff

High current, radiation tolerant cold by-pass diodes for LHC main magnets. High reliability cost effective 600 A energy extraction system. Compact assembly of 13 kA circuit breakers and dump resistors capable of dissipating 700 MJ. Electrical systems

Magnet Power Converter (Magnet +1) Status info Thermo-switches Water Flow meter, Red button… Thermo- 60°C Power Permit Warm magnet Interlock Controller Beam Permit BIS interface Technical network Controls Config. DB PVSS Operator Console Warm Magnet Interlock system Protects resistive magnets overheating: collects inputs from thermo-switches, flow meters,… and gives the Power Permit,. In addition: removes beam permit in case of powering failure. ► Based on Safety PLC (F series from Siemens) ► for fast dump request (few μS): associated with Fast Boolean processor (FM 352 from Siemens)

Beam Interlocks Protects LHC from beam Operation: collects User Permit from involved systems (VAC, BLM, RF, Powering Interlocks, Experiments, etc… ) and therefore gives the Beam Permit, or triggers beam dump in case of failure. ► Highly reliable (SIL3), Fast (few μ S) and “monitorable” User Interfaces User Permit Beam Interlock Controller embedded in VME chassis copper cable User System #1 Up to 14 User Systems Beam Permit Loops (F.O.) Technical network Controls Config. DB Operator Console (Java Application) ► Fibre Optics links between Controllers ► ~200 connections to User Systems ► > in using Programmable Logic devices from Xilinx: ► from “small” 288 macro-cells CPLD for the safety part ► to large* Spartan 3 FPGA for the monitoring part (*) say 1,000,000 gates + all the built in RAM,etc. Optical board

26 TE- VSC Mandate: Vacuum, Surfaces & Coatings Design, construction, operation, maintenance and upgrade of high & ultra-high vacuum systems for Accelerators and Detectors. Expertise and support on thin-walled vacuum chambers, windows and bellows compensation systems Expertise in vacuum sealing and leak-tightness technology Management of the industrial support contract for vacuum work in accelerators Expertise in vacuum control systems, vacuum interlocks and monitoring tools Surfaces treatments, Coatings, surface and chemical analysis for Accelerators & Detectors. Expertise and support in the fields of: Coatings, electroplating and surface cleaning techniques UHV characterization and of material and surfaces Degassing analysis and treatments 67 staff

Domains of Expertise Vacuum Engineering for Accelerators Vacuum Engineering for Accelerators – Finite element calculations for thin-walled and cantilever structures in Experimental Areas – Vacuum interconnection design optimized for High Order Modes (HOM) and beam impedance for RT and cryogenic beam pipes – Advanced material for Detector’s beam pipes – Special supporting structures for Detectors (wires, low-Z supports, etc.) – Design of vacuum systems to prevent beam-induced high voltage breakdowns: flanges, surface treatments and coatings

Domains of Expertise Coatings and Plasma Processing CERN-wide support and expertise to accelerators and detectors in the domain of thin film coatings – Thin film coating facilities with a special focus on physical deposition techniques: evaporation, diode and magnetron sputtering Complex shape and all types of materials including a-C and NEG coatings – Specific techniques for plasma processing of surfaces, including plasma cleaning and glow discharge Removal of hydrocarbon contamination on Beryllium beam pipes using an oxygen discharge – Expertise for numerical simulations of special cases of coatings, vacuum and plasmas TPB deposition for WArP Gold deposition for CAST

Domains of Expertise Chemical and Surface Analysis CERN-wide support and expertise to accelerators and detectors in the domains of: – Surface and chemical analysis – Expertise in radiation damage of polymeric materials – Outgassing analysis (metals and polymers) and degassing treatments – Permeation in polymers and metals – Gas analysis by chromatographic techniques Outgassing of amorphous carbon films Surface analysis: XPS-SIMS-AES Radiation induced ageing

30 Conclusion

TE-ABT: Electronics + controls (for kickers, septa, protection eqpt) fast kicker timing and interlocks application program for machine operators “beam energy meter” card high precision fast pulsed timing, high-reliability triggering systems analogue waveform acquisition and analysis, servo positioning systems, industrial slow controls power electronics, power supplies for HV charging purposes, thyratron heating, electrostatic septa equipment-level software, diagnostic tools, interface to main control system, spec. application SW software for kicker waveform surveillance energy tracking system for LHC dump

Cold turbo-machines Cold Compressors and Pumps Turbo-expanders

Iref(RB_5TeV) = Iref(RQF_5TeV) = Iref(RQD_5TeV) Global PM Event LHC tracking : Ramp of RB, QF, QD (RB function is copied to QF and QD)

High precision measurement system for large scale online diagnostics and protection of electrical interconnections. Digital FPGA based radiation tolerant protection system for superconducting magnets. Digital and analog electronics, design of protection systems

SVC BEQ2 (2002) for SPS

Insulation for cryogenic environment Development of insulation very fine and capable of 20 kV with strong mechanical robustness; Covered 50 km of LHC cold bore tube HV Tests on cylindrical geometries In addition to standard HV tests (DC and impulse test up to 140 kV) on materials and components, we perform HV tests on cylindrical geometries, as insulated tubes, with specifically designed electrodes. Used for testing the dielectric strength of ITER feeders and as a CERN wide service for example for HV testing ceramic coatings. Development of new insulation with enhanced porosity for LHC upgrade

SMI2180 SMA18 SM18

Pit in 181 bldg : prepared for MQ (vertical line) MQs in 904, waiting to be repaired Magnet Rescue Dipoles from 3-4 in bldg 181

Normal Conducting Magnets : LINAC 4 project TypeInstallationNumber LE SolenoidLEBT2 LE CorrectorLEBT/MEBT4 QuadrupoleLinac36 CorrectorLinac / TL TL QuadrupoleTL18 TL Bending (V + H)TL4 BI Bending (V)Booster Inj.1 LBS BendingSpectrometer Line1 Transfer Line QuadrupoleCombined Corrector In total 95 magnets of 8 types Magnet work package defined Design work started First contracts beginning 2009

SSS: integrates key items BPM and instrumentation feed-throughs Resistive current leads for orbit corrector dipoles Link to cryo distribution line Cryogenic ancillaries and diagnostics (He phase separator, He level gauges, P transducers,... ) Vacuum Barriers...

SSS: complex in variants and assembly (main components only) No. units CM variantsSSS variants Arcs DS MS Total

LHC, the push for energy: a gigantic magnet system 1500 tonnes of top quality SC cables B dip  8.3 T R dip  3 km L dip  15 m  1232 L tunnel = 27 km 15’000 MJ of magnetic energy TypeNumberFunction MB1232Main dipoles MQ392Arc quadrupoles MBX/MBR16Separation & recombination dipoles MSCB376Combined chromaticity & closed orbit correctors MCS2464Sextupole correctors for persistent currents at injection MCDO1232Octupole/decapole correctors for persistent currents at injection MO336Landau damping octupoles MQT/MQTL248Tuning quadrupoles MCB190Orbit correction dipoles MQM86Dispersion suppressor & matching section quadrupoles MQY24Enlarged-aperture quadrupoles in insertions MQX32Low-beta insertion quadrupoles

Domains of Expertise Vacuum Controls and Interlocks Vacuum Controls and Interlocks for Accelerators – Design and implementation of PLC based front-end electronics for pressure and temperature acquisition and machine protection interlocks – Design and implementation of database (ORACLE) driven PVSS vacuum supervision interfaces for accelerators – Validation of the vacuum electronic equipment installed in the accelerator tunnel, which will be subjected to neutron, fast-particle and gamma radiation Multiple beam shots Hydrogen oscillation