THEME 1: Facing Challenges Fourth Grade Week 2 Day 1
Read Aloud Genre: Biography (A true story about the life of a real person) Biographies include: –information about why the person is important –Opinions and judgments based on facts –Events from the person’s life, told in time order This biography is about a famous woman swimmer. One purpose for listening is to find out why this swimmer was remarkable.
Focus Skill Character’s Traits and Motivations Turn to page 54 in your reading textbook. Let’s read ALL together… (choral read) Graphic Organizer: Character TraitsMotivationsActions
Focus Skill Character’s traits and Motivations Character: People or animals in the story TRAITS: Show what character is like or what kind of person they are Motivations: Are the reasons the character acts as they do Actions: What the character does in the story Sometimes authors state a character’s motivations; other times readers must use what the character says, does, and thinks to figure out the character’s motivations.
Comprehension Strategy Use Story Structure Setting Characters Plot Events
Comprehension Strategy Use Story Structure STORY STRUCTURE is the way a story is organized. Characters, setting, and plot events are the 3 elements that are common to all stories. THINKING about story structure helps readers understand WHAT is happening in a story, and WHY it is happening.
Comprehension Strategy- Use Story Structure
Vocabulary Let’s look at our vocabulary words for the week
Someone legendary is especially famous for something he or she did a long time ago. Who is an example of a legendary sports star?
If you muttered, you said something very quiet because you did not want to be heard. If you muttered something, how did you say it?
If you gaped at something, you stared openmouthed in surprise. If you gaped at something, how did you feel when you saw it?
If a person flinched, he or she quickly moved away from something dangerous or painful. What might cause you to flinch?
Snickering at someone is like laughing quietly at them because they did something silly. How would you feel if you heard some kids snickering behind your back?
If you glared at someone, you stared at them in an angry way. What might cause you to glare at someone in a library?
When someone is stunned by something amazing, he or she is shocked and sometimes even speechless. How stunned would you be if your best friend suddenly moved away?
A fluke is something unusual that happens by accident. If a cook flipped a pancake and it landed on someone’s head, would that be a fluke? Why or why not?
Spelling Pretest/Self Check Turn to Practice Book page 10. Carefully tear out and fold. I will say the spelling word one time, then I will wait 5 seconds and call the word one last time. This is a practice so we will move quickly. If you miss a word, don’t worry. You will have an opportunity to practice it again when we check our work.
Spelling: Word with Long Vowels and Vowel Digraphs cheese heel season boast chief gape aim brain fluke crayon eagle throw rose student goal woke ripen cube rainbow scrape, Challenge Words: teenage obedience bowling league migraine T31
Word Sort 1.cheese 6. tread 11.dread 16.split 2.heel 12.spend 17.sting 3.season 8.else 13.past 18.strap 4.boast 9.gram 14.plot 19.task 5.chief 10.gum 15.check 20.twin Long a Long e Long i Long o Long u