Adventure Works: The ultimate source for outdoor equipment Israel & the Occupied Territories
Ancient Israel Israel was established 3,000 years ago. By Hebrews Covered the same area as modern day Roman Empire Conquered in 60 BC Called Palestine Diaspora After Jewish revolts, Romans forced most Jews out.
Ancient Israel Jesus Jewish man during Roman occupation. Taught faith & love for others. Romans & Jews saw his teachings to be a threat. Tried and executed Followers believe that he rose from the dead. Christianity was born.
Ancient Israel Arab Invasion Conquered Palestine in the 600s. 1000s-1200s: European invasions called the Crusades. Captured Jerusalem in In time the Crusaders were pushed out – WWI: Part of the Ottoman Empire Came under British rule at the end of the war.
A Map of the Crusades
Modern Israel Zionism Began in the late 1800s. Call for a Jewish country in Palestine Tens of thousands moved to the area End of WWII U.N. proposed dividing Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. Fighting broke out between Israel and neighboring Arab countries. Wars between Palestinian Refugees Fled to Jordan & Lebanon Terrorist attacks at Israel
Government Knesset Prime Minister Parliament Two major political parties Strong Military Protection from terrorist attacks At age 18 most men & women serve
Economy High Technology Cut diamonds Tourism Exports Citrus eggs
Language & Diversity Includes Jews from all parts of the world Official language = Hebrew & Arabic When Jews arrive from other lands, the gov’t offers free Hebrew classes. 82 percent of the population is Jewish. The next largest pop. is Arab Small Christian pop.
The Occupied Territories
Disputed Lands In 1967 Israel captured: Gaza Strip Small, coastal land Millions of Palestinians No resources Ceased from Egypt Golan Heights Hilly area Syrian border 1981 Israel formally claimed it, Syria still does. West Bank Largest occupied area 1.6 million pop. 100,000 Jews moved into the area. Palestinians consider this an invasion of their land. Caused violent tensions
Disputed Land Annexed East Jerusalem in Capital moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem Most foreign countries don’t recognize this. Palestinians still claim it as their capital. This city is important to Jews, Muslims, & Christians.
The Future of the Territories 1990s Israel agreed to turn over parts of the Occupied Territories. The Palestinian Authority agreed to work towards peace. Parts of the territories have been returned. More of the West Bank is to be returned. Future of the peace process is uncertain Some Palestinian groups are committing acts of terrorism Some Israeli’s believe that this is a bad idea.