Lori Gaillard Fourth Grade- Reading/ Language Arts
Windows Into Words Word/ StemMeaning BiTwo PreBefore SubUnder DeDown SuperOver CountenanceFacial expression ProdigiousHuge or marvelous ProfoundDeep ManifestObvious Languorweakness -20 Units -Each unit alternates from stems to multisyllabic words. -For each Greek and Latin stem/ word a child knows they can infer the meaning of 20+ other words. -Quizzes are cumulative -Other vocabulary will be addressed in context of reading materials. -Practice both ways
Writing Expectations
Make your own Sundae!
Remember your Scoop! What is your name? My name is Fifi. After reading the passage, explain why earthquakes are devastating. Earthquakes are devastating for multiple reasons that include loss of life, damage to property and infrastructure, and geographical changes to the land.
Remember to cite multiple details from the text to support your answer. DETAIL DETAIL
Remember to reread your answer. Make sure that every detail is related to your question and scoop sentence. DETAIL DETAIL Should we add this unrelated idea to our response?
Reread the question and your answer. Be certain that you have answered all parts of the question.
Remember to give your reader a spoon! Spoon feed your final thoughts to your reader by restating your scoop sentence!
Check your paper for nice toppings! Sprinkles, Whip cream, and a Cherry on Top! Spelling/ Word Choice/ Organization/ Neatness/ Punctuation
Novel Studies
Comprehension Checks Four questions Base level comprehension questions Often True or False Designed to hold the students accountable for having read their homework. Class average Students are encouraged to reread. Reading brain/ thinking brain
Reader’s Response Journal Recording three significant events on the left hand side. This will take us later to summarizing. On the right had side, students answer a higher order thinking question about their reading. This may ask them to make connections, analyzing the text, comparing/ contrasting, etc… Class Discussions/ questions
In Class Project and writing….
Interactive Reading Notebook (IRN)
Four Sections Reading Literature Reading Informational Texts Reading Foundations Notice and Note
Reading Literature Sign Posts Informational Texts Sign Posts Contrasts and Contradictions Memory Moment Again and Again Aha Moment Tough Questions Words of the Wiser Contrasts and Contradictions Absolute and Extreme Language Numbers and Statistics Quoted Words Word Gap Notice and Note
-Time for Kids -Reading A to Z Leveled books that relate to our novel study. -Trade books - Informational Texts
Read at least thirty minutes a night. The novel study can count as this time. Read multiple genres. Utilize class libraries and media center. Don’t simply read- Sponge Bob, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Goosebumps, Darth Paper, etc… BOP (Book of Pleasure)
The opportunity will change each quarter. This quarter’s project will count in both subjects. Late work is not accepted. The project must be student generated. The project must reflect strong effort. Optional Extra Credit
Read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read! Thanks for coming!