JEOPARDY Chapter 2- Egypt
Categories Old/Middle Kingdom New/Late Period Geography People & Places EgyptianCulture Vocabulary
What was the Pyramid Age? This is a name sometimes used to describe the Old Kingdom.
What was the the Upper class ( pharaoh, royal family, and priests and government officials), and lower class, (everyone else).? These are the two classes of society during the Old Kingdom.
What were weak rulers and 125 years of Civil wars? This is what ended the Old Kingdom, ( around 2181 B.C. )
Who were Khufu and Djoser ( Djoser had the first step pyramid built by Imhotep, his architect) These are two pharaohs of the Old Kingdom.
Who were the Hyksos, who used chariots, as opposed to Egyptian donkey carts? They were the Asiatic people who conquered the Egyptians and ended the Middle Kingdom in 1730 B.C.
What was Thebes? This became the capital city of the New Kingdom for several pharaohs beginning in 1550 B.C.
What was Nubia? This was the kingdom that the Egyptians conquered in central eastern Africa to establish their empire.
Who was Hatshepsut? She was the first female ruler that we have on record and an able ruler during the New Kingdom.
What was monotheism, the worship of Aton, the Sun God? This was the new religion established by Amenhotep ( Akhenaton)
Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”
He was the boy king that took the throne after Akenhoten, and moved the capital back to Thebes. Who was Tutankhamen ( King Tut) Dancing by the Nile?
Who was Ramses II? He was the last great ruler of the New Kingdom, who held the empire together, and built many monuments to himself.
Who were the Persians, the Nubians, the Assyrians? These were some of the invaders who ravaged the Late Period until 300 B.C. and the end of Egyptian greatness.
What Tell el Amarna? This was the capital city established by Akhenaton.
Who was Jean Francois Champollion? He was the French linguist who deciphered the secret of the Rosetta Stone.
Who was Menes? He was the first Egyptian pharaoh to unite the upper and lower kingdoms of Egypt.
What is North? This is the direction that Nile River flows.
What is Sudan? This would be the modern country where the kingdom of Nubia was located.
This is the huge Lake and Dam that limit the flow of the Nile River today and provide electrical power to Cairo. What is Lake Nasser and the Aswan Dam, ( money borrowed from the Soviet Union)?
What is the Isthmus of Suez? This is the land bridge that connects Africa with Asia.
What is or was Memphis? This city was the ancient capital of Early Egyptian pharaohs, and located near the Pyramids of Giza, ( There is no Beale Street).
Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”
What was Sirius, the Dog Star? This is what ancient Egyptians used to calculate their nearly accurate calendar.
What was the Ancient Book of Healing? This ancient book of the Old Kingdom describes many diseases, their symptoms and treatments.
What was mummification? This is the Egyptian art of preserving the body for the journey to the after life.
What was the Book of the Dead? This was the book placed in the tombs of the deceased in order to guide them through the perils of the afterlife.
Who were Amon( Ra), ( the Sun God) Osiris ( Nile River God),and Isis ( Moon Goddess)? These were three gods of the ancient Egyptian religion.
What was a caravan? This was a way of protecting a group of people traveling together for trade or religious purposes.
What was polytheism? This was the type of religion practiced by the Egyptians.
What was and is cotton? This was one of the most important crops of ancient Egypt and continues even into modern times.
What is a monarchy, (sometimes power is shared with nobles) ? This is the type of government where a king or queen rules with total or shared power.
What was hieroglyphics? This was the ancient writing of the Egyptians