Welcome to the Foundation Stage! Winsford High Street Community Primary School
EYFS Staff Class 2RA – Mr Allen & Miss Carter Class 3KR – Mrs Robbins and Mrs Grant Class 4CP – Miss Price, Mrs Burrows and Mrs Baxter Children will get to know all of the staff with our open plan environment
Play Play underpins the delivery of all the Early Years Foundation Stage. Children have opportunities to play indoors and outdoors everyday at school. EYFS children learn through play!
How the day is structured Class teachers welcome children into school (8.50am) Morning carpet time/teaching session – Phonics 9.30 – 11.00am Busy Time 11am – Number songs and rhymes – 12.45pm Lunch 12.45pm Afternoon carpet time/teaching session 1.15pm – 2.45 Busy Time Story time Home time 3.15pm
Helping us at home Reading books HFW Letters and Sounds Letter formation Using a knife and fork Parent contributions Dressing and undressing
School Behaviour System 6 Golden Rules 1 Be gentle and avoid hurting others 2 Be kind and helpful and think about the feelings of others 3 Be honest 4 Work hard and make the most of your time 5 Look after our property and the property of others 6 Listen carefully to others and follow instructions first time
School Behaviour System Each child has a peg with their name on which is kept on a sunshine. If a golden rule is not followed a verbal warning is given. If the golden rule is still not followed, your child’s peg will be moved to the rain cloud. If the golden rule is still not followed then the peg is moved to time out. If the golden rule is still not followed the peg will move to the rain cloud.
School Behaviour System Rain cloud = Reflection Reflection – Time to talk to an adult at lunchtime to talk about what golden rule was broken and what your child can do to help them not break a golden rule.
School Behaviour System Staff at High Street work on positive praise! Team points Stickers Certificates Celebrating success Merit Badge winner – chosen weekly and presented in assembly
Snacks Fruit is available throughout the day for the children to eat at our ‘Snack Station’. Milk is given in the afternoons A snack can be sent in from home – cheese, grapes, breadsticks, fruit.
Kind requests! We work hard to teach your child to be independent looking after their belongings, please support us by encouraging them to be independent at home and look after their own belongings. Names on lunch boxes, tubs, water bottles. Please send your child to school with a full water bottle each day (labelled with their name).
Kind requests! Names in all clothing please, we have 73 children! Each child has their own peg and tray which we teach them to use but sometimes they take jumpers/cardigans off in the hall or playground and ‘forget’ to collect it. If items of clothing are named we can return them to the correct child.
PE KIT Indoor – shorts, t-shirt and pumps. A t-shirt can be purchased in the house colour. Outdoor – Tracksuit PE kit is left at school and sent home each half-term.
PE KIT PE Days – Miss Price – Tuesday Mr Allen – Wednesday Mrs Robbins - Friday
Jewellery All jewellery to be left at home. If ears are pierced and studs are worn please remove or cover on PE days. No hoop or drop earrings at any time.
House Teams All of the children have a house team: Red – Vale Royal Blue – Wharton Yellow – Over Green – Delamere
Start of the school day We enjoy talking to you about your child but would like to remind you that we have 73 children to get settled/organised each morning so initially we would appreciate you asking us questions at the end of the day. If you feel that you need a longer time to talk to us you can make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher on a Wednesday evening from 3.15 – 4pm. Parents Evening is normally held in October.
Home/School Communication Please talk to us and tell us anything that we may need to know that will help us teach, care for and look after your child when they are in our care. Text messages are sent with information. Weekly newsletter on the school website (available on a Monday). Curriculum Slice (curriculum information on the website)
Letters and Sounds/Phonics Letters and sounds is how we teach phonics, reading and writing. Phonics sessions are taught daily in school. Help Your Child at Home session on Thursday 8 th October 6pm –. Please come along!!
Reading Books Each child will have a plastic popper wallet with all of their reading books and phonics information in, please keep it in your child’s book bag and send to school each day. Reading books will be sent home towards the end of this week, this is an opportunity for you to share a book with your child and model reading. Books will be changed regularly.
Wow card Parent involvement is very important in the EYFS. ‘Wow cards’ will be sent home for you to fill in if your child does something new or something that impresses you.
Busy Time Child initiated play – Children have the opportunity to choose where they would like to play. Choice of areas in the EYFS. Time for the children to socialise and make new friends.
Kind requests! If possible, please send your child with a blue book bag and not a big back pack. Reading folders are A4 size to keep your child’s reading books protected. Backpacks do not fit in drawers. Letters and money – in clearly labelled envelopes with your child’s name and class. Initially, please hand in anything important to your child’s class teacher. The children are learning lots of new routines.
Please send back any school information forms. If you change your contact details, please let us know straight away.
Parent Information Evening Help Your Child at Home with literacy and numeracy. Thursday 8 th October at 6pm
Thank you for listening!
Any questions?