Research4Life: ARDI, HINARI, AGORA, and OARE Ulaanbaatar March 11, 2015 Andrew Czajkowski Head, Innovation and Technology Support Section
Overview About Research4Life ARDI HINARI AGORA (CAB Abstracts) OARE ASPI
Research4Life: Background Free or low-cost access to academic and professional peer-review content online for institutions in developing countries 7,700 registered institutions 14,500 journals 30,000 books 185 publisher partners
Research4Life: Partnership Public-private partnership WIPO, FAO, UNEP, WHO Cornell University and Yale University International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers Microsoft (technology partner) Objective: Reducing the scientific knowledge gap between industrialized countries and the developing world ( Millennium Development Goals)
Research4Life: Programs World Health Organization Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations United Nations Environment Programme World Intellectual Property Organization
Research4Life: Eligibility (countries) Group A (Free access) Inclusion in the UN list of LDCs HDI less than 0.63 GNI per capita at or below $1600 Group B (Low-cost access) HDI at or below 0.67 GNI per capita less than $5000 More information at: Not all publishers provide access to all eligible countries
More than 100 countries, areas and territories ARDI: development and innovation research (up to 4000 journals, up to 18,000 books, more than 400 registered institutions) HINARI: health research (up to 14,000 journals, up to 33,000 books and up to 50 other information resources, more than 5700 registered institutions)
AGORA: agriculture research (up to 3700 journals, up to 4100 books, up to 20 information resources, more than 2800 registered institutions) OARE: environment research (up to 5700 journals, up to 15,000 books, up to 50 other information resources, more than 2800 registered institutions) (updated January 2015)
Goals of Research4Life Programmes (R4L) To connect developing world researchers with the international scientific community To reduce the ‘publishing gap’ and improve the quality of locally produced articles and journals Ultimately – improve health, food security and environment in relation to Millennium Development Goals of 2015
Primary Target Audiences Eligible categories of institutions are: Government: relevant ministries and agencies Academic/research institutions Locally based non-governmental organizations (NGOs) All permanent and visiting faculty, staff members and students are entitled to access and can obtain the institutional User Name and Password.
Who is eligible for R4L Programmes
ARDI/R4L Resources Usage: Do Share Institution’s R4L usernames and passwords with: Authorized Users: an institution’s employee, permanent or visiting faculty or students Walk-in Users: anyone who comes to the institution’s premises and is permitted by the institution to access services there Note: Access from remote access is permissible but limited to computers owned personally by employees or by institution
Copyright and Fair Use Is the same as typical copyright and fair use Principles; it is OK to: Download or print up to 15% of a journal issue or book Use material for educational purposes (course packs or reserves) Make copies for institution members or students Note: Always credit sources
Abuse of Privileges: Do Not Share usernames and passwords with those from outside the institution Supply documents to individuals or organizations outside the registered institution Charge a fee for supplying documents except to recover cost of printing Use R4L programmes when outside the country
Do Not (continued) Upload or post the material to a publicly available website or elsewhere Post usernames and passwords to websites or blogs that are publically accessible Note: Violations result in the institution or possibly entire country denied access until the problem is resolved. If your institution’s password does not work for several days, it may have been compromised. DO NOT REGISTER AGAIN. Report this to and always include your UserID
ARDI The Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) program is coordinated by the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO together with its partners in the publishing industry with the aim to increase the availability of scholarly literature from diverse fields of science and technology, ARDI seeks to: reinforce the capacity of developing countries to participate in the global knowledge economy support researchers in developing countries in creating and developing new solutions to technical challenges faced on a local and global level.
Elsevier Springer Wiley Sage Taylor & Francis Lippincott/Williams & Wilkins BioOne Oxford University Press Nature Publishing Other science/technical/ medical publishers ARDI – Key Publisher Partners
ARDI eligibility and Registration About ARDI and eligibility Registration process
The About ARDI page contains Background information about the programme.
Eligibility information is listed on the currently displayed page. Note The Group A (free access) and B (low cost access) categories. Eligibility information is listed on the currently displayed page. Note The Group A (free access) and B (low cost access) categories.
From the initial ARDI webpage, Request an account (register).
Note: an institution can register for all 4 programs but must complete form separately for each programme.
To complete the registration, make sure you enter all the information in the required fields – particularly the librarian, director and support officer information. (on next slide)
Enter the six character validation code that is listed at the bottom. Click Send Registration.
This document is a step-by-step guide to completing the Research4Life online registration process - a very useful tool.
Start using ARDI Username and password Instructions on using ARDI
Using R4L: Accessing resources
ARDI Log-in
ARDI - Login
ARDI Portal
ARDI: Journal list
ARDI: Publisher website (Taylor & Francis)
ARDI: Publisher website (Elsevier/ScienceDirect)
Note Available journal archives may vary depending on the publisher (usually from 1995 onwards)
Using ARDI: Getting help
Getting help: FAQs About ARDI Eligibility Registration Payment Getting started Using ARDI Sister programs
Using HINARI: Accessing resources
HINARI: Login page
HINARI: Portal page
HINARI: Journal list (by title) Journal will open in new window or tab
HINARI: Publisher website (Elsevier/ScienceDirect)
HINARI: Portal page
Using HINARI: Searching (PubMed)
HINARI: Search (PubMed)
Using AGORA: Searching (CAB Abstracts)
AGORA: CAB Abstracts (search results) CAB Abstracts cover about 80% of AGORA content
Electronic resources: Access to patent database systems Partnership with 5 patent database service providers LexisNexis TotalPatent Minesoft PatBase Questel Orbit Thomson Reuters Thomson Innovation WIPS WIPS Global Free or low-cost access for 122 developing and least developed countries to advanced patent search and analysis tools
ASPI: Portal
ASPI: Eligibility Group 1: Least Developed Countries access for free Bangladesh Group 2: Middle income countries (World Bank definition) access at nominal cost (per service) / one-year free trial period Group 3: Certain other developing countries access at nominal cost (per service) / one-year free trial period
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