Information Use Pattern and User Expectations in the Digital Environment at Kasturba Gandhi DegreeCollege for Women: A Study Presented By: Dr.K.H.Sunitha Ms.K.P.Radhika
10/7/2015 ABSTRACT The present paper discusses about the user behaviour and expectations in the Digital environment. It also explains the role of librarian in the digital environment and methods to satisfy the user expectations.
INTRODUCTION In digital environment, users expect to receive information quickly and without having to visit the library. Electronic resources are the prime ingredients and repositories of library resources in the digital era. E-resources are indispensable tools for higher learning and they provide unlimited access to information round the clock.
Digital Resources - User Expectations Bawden has pointed out the expectations of users from the libraries, Knowledge centers, digital library etc and their services based on the following aspects: Comprehensiveness Follow ability of data Accessibility Ease of use Immediate gratification Multiple formats and media
Following expectations are also indicated in support of users: Database search facility Critical review and state of art information Current information dissemination Access to universal information resources Prompt, accurate and speedy information on the topic of interest Seamless access to the information in an economical method Value added information services Regular and update information
Methods to satisfy the user Expectations: Build user orientated collection in the library Render information services to meet the needs of the users To find out information needs of the users through surveys and user studies Using technology to add value to the services Usage of new tools of information like internet Searching the online databases to get the appropriate information required by the users from various online resources.
10/7/2015 Some of the services which the libraries are providing in the Digital environment – Electronic mail list – OPAC – Bulletin Board Services – CD-Rom Databases – Access to E-Books – Access to E-Journals – Open Archiving sites – Internet Browsing – Search engine – Current Awareness Service
10/7/2015 Role of Librarian in the digital environment and users expectations: Information teacher Information organizer Information Creator and Publisher Hybrid Librarian Knowledge Preserver
10/7/2015 Profile of Kasturba Gandhi Degree & PG College for Women (KGCW): KGCW was established in 1973 by Osmania Graduates Association under the patronage of Exhibition Society. The college was re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC in March, The collection of the library includes print as well as non- print material. Strength of books is 50,000 and e-books 80,000+, e-journals and 400 CDs. Library is subscribing to 14 Newspapers, 42 Journals and 48 magazines in all disciplines. Our Library is a member of i) N-LIST & ii) DELNET.
10/7/2015 Need for the present study : It was felt necessary to study the usage of library e-resources, user needs and expectations from the students of Kasturba Gandhi Degree College for Women with the following objectives. Objectives: To verify the usage of e-resources. To survey the user expectations. To provide suggestions for the development of the library.
10/7/2015 Data Analysis : Table-1 Distribution of students according to the Frequency of Visit to the Library. FrequencyNo. of RespondentsPercentage Frequently8442% Moderately7638% Occasionally4020% Total200100%
10/7/2015 Table-2 Purpose of using Internet. PurposeNo. of RespondentsPercentage Academic10452% Job Search3216% Downloading--- Research3015% Communication084% News & Current Affairs2613% Total200100%
10/7/2015 Table-3 Distribution of students according to the use of databases. DatabasesNo. of RespondentsPercentage N-List3015% E-Books5226% DELNET8643% e-Journals3216% Total200100%
10/7/2015 Table-4 Distribution of students according to the usage of various Search Tools. Search ToolsNo. of RespondentsPercentage Google15477% Yahoo2412% Ask.com2211% Total200100%
10/7/2015 Table-5 Distribution of students according to the level of satisfaction in Access of E-Resources. Level of SatisfactionNo. of RespondentsPercentage Completely satisfied4623% Moderate8442% Very little satisfied5829% Not Satisfied126% Total200100%
10/7/2015 Table-6 Distribution of students according to the problems in accessing Online Resources. ProblemsNo. of RespondentsPercentage Slow speed of Internet10452% Power Problems5829% Too much information retrieved 3015% Inadequate internet usage skills 084% Total200100%
10/7/2015 Table-7 Distribution of students according to the method of retrieval of information. Retrieval methodNo. of RespondentsPercentage Card Catalogue7638% OPAC12462% Total200100%
10/7/2015 Table-8 Distribution of students according to the expectations of users. Future ExpectationsNo. of RespondentsPercentage More e-Services4824% e-CDs/DVDs168% e-Reference service2412% e-Clippings-- More systems11256% Total200100%
10/7/2015 Findings It has been observed that among the users, under study 84 (42%) visit the library frequently (i.e. either daily or once/twice in a week), whereas, 76(38%) and 40 (20%) of them visit moderately and occasionally respectively. Among various purposes of library visit by the library users a large number 104 (52%) visit to use the Internet for academic purposes.
10/7/2015 Among the various e-resources of information, a large number of user community i.e. 86 (43%) depend more on on-line databases provided by DELNET for their information needs, whereas, 52 (26%) and 32 (16%) of them use e-books and e-journals for the information required. The remaining respondents i.e. 30(15%) of them use N-LIST services. This finding reveals the use pattern of information by the users under study and fulfills the first objective of the study, ‘to verify the usage of e-resource’.
10/7/2015 The study also revealed that a majority of the users under study 154 (77%) use Google as search tool to fulfill their information needs and the rest i.e. 24 (12%) and 22 (11%) are using yahoo and This finding also reveals the information seeking behaviour of the users. It is found that only 46 (23%) users under study are completely satisfied with access to e-resources in the library. A large number 84 (42%) said that level of satisfaction is moderate. Whereas, 58 (29%) are little satisfied and 12 (6%) under study are not satisfied.
10/7/2015 It is observed that a large number 104 (52%) of the users under study said slow speed of the internet is one of the problems they face in accessing information. Whereas, 58 (29% of them said power cut is another problem and 30 (15%) of them said that they retrieve lot of information which is not relevant. The study revealed that 76 (38%) and 124 (62%) of the users under study use card catalogue and OPAC to retrieve the information. This findings also reveals the information seeking behaviour of the users.
10/7/2015 It is observed, from the study, that a large number of respondents i.e. 112 (56%) expect the library to add more systems to the existing ones. Whereas, 48 i.e. (24%) of them expect more number of e-services and 24 (12%) want e-reference service. However, 16 (8%) of them want more number of CDs and DVDs to be added to the collection of e-resources. This finding fulfill the second objective of the study, ‘to survey the user expectations’.
10/7/2015 Suggestions In order to convert the potential users i.e. 38% and 40% of them to regular users, it is suggested that the library personal should acquire more relevant e- resources and latest documents to encourage the library users to visit library frequently. Low satisfaction level among the users appears to be caused mainly due to lack of awareness of the services being provided by the library. Hence, it is suggested that library services being provided to the users need to be publicized sufficiently.
10/7/2015 The fourth law of Library science say “Save the time of the user”. In order to give quick access to information required, it is suggested that the speed of the internet should be increased.It is also suggested that the authorities make arrangements for uninterrupted power supply by providing generators in the library. The library authorities should take some measures to increase the number of computers in the library to avoid rush from the users. The strength of the e- services should be increased and also some more new services should be introduced.
10/7/2015 Conclusion Library is a service oriented institution.Users of Kasturba Gandhi College are provided with various on-line resources to fulfill their information needs for their educational purpose. Due to lack of information retrieval skills they are not able to use the resources completely. The library, at regular intervals, should organize information literacy and training programs in order to educate the users in seeking information from the electronic resources and also to maximize the usage of library resources and services.