AFAMS Pharmacy Technician Students: Practical Rotations (Dari)
AFAMS Purpose of Presentation (Dari) To ensure that students understand why the practical rotations occur. To ensure that students understand what is expected of them during their practical rotations. To ensure that students understand the implications of failing a practical rotation. To ensure that students understand the practical rotation schedule. AFAMS Insert Dari
AFAMS Why do we have practical rotations? (Dari) To allow students time to practice the skills they have been taught in class, in a safe and controlled environment. To allow students to learn things that cannot be taught in the classroom. To assess students in order to ensure they have the appropriate skill level prior to entering the work force. AFAMS Insert Dari
AFAMS Rotation Sites (Insert Dari) Dipensary (NMH and polyclinic) Accounting (NMH) Quartermaster (NMH) National Military Warehouse Each rotation will be 5 weeks in length.
Student Manual (Insert Dari) Each student will be given a student rotation manual which contains a specific section for each site. For each site there will be listed: Administrative instructions Orientation checklist Overall assessment Checklist for crucial tasks and rotation activities. Read your rotation manual prior to your rotation start date.
AFAMS Student Manual (Insert Dari) Each student will be given a student rotation manual which contains a specific section for each site. For each site there will be listed: Administrative instructions Orientation checklist Overall assessment Checklist for crucial tasks and rotation activities. Read your rotation manual prior to your rotation start date.
AFAMS Assessments (Insert Dari) In the student manual you will find for each site: (1)An overall student assessment (2)An assessment form for each of the crucial tasks identified (3)Checklists for rotation activities Become familiar with these checklists and forms so you understand what you will assessed on ahead of time.
AFAMS Expectations of Students (Insert Dari) Have a good attitude. Always be professional. Show up on time If you encounter a situation where you are unsure what to do, ask your preceptor.
AFAMS What happens if I fail a rotation? (Insert Dari) In order to be eligible to write the final practical exam (PC 002/003) you must have passed the student practical rotations. If you do not pass a rotation, your preceptor will contact the head instructor for the pharmacy technician program and discuss the issues encountered. You may have to re-do a rotation or potentially be removed from the pharmacy technician program.
AFAMS Questions? (Insert Dari)