BUILDING ON OUR STRENGTHS Taking stock of our current environment
Brainstorm What are we already doing? How are we promoting and supporting accessibility? Let’s build a list!
Library Statement of Commitment "The University of Waterloo Library endeavours to provide equitable access to library facilities and materials to all members of its community. In acknowledging the need for alternatives by some individuals to standard library services, and in modifying both the physical structure and policies within the library system, the library is working towards providing independent access by everyone to the library's resources.“
A Brief List of Achievements Policies, Programs, Services: – Statement of commitment to equitable access – Library Services for Persons with Disabilities – Information service offered in various ways Electronic Access: – Databases, journals, books – Website initiatives
A Brief List of Achievements Physical Environment and Facilities: – Sliding doors (Porter), automatic door openers (Davis), doors always open (UML) – Split-level and electronically adjustable service desks – Electronically adjustable workstations on Porter floors main, 3 and 5 – Signage
A Brief List of Achievements Communications & Awareness: – Staff awareness sessions – Adaptive Technology Centre and Library Services for Persons with Disabilities part of ISR training program, and On the Circulation Services staff web
Keep Up the Good Work!