Chapter 1 Principles of Government and Politics Section 2 Introducing American Democracy.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 1 Principles of Government and Politics Section 2 Introducing American Democracy

© EMC Publishing, LLC Origins of American Democracy  Ancient Greece Some people were granted citizenship. All citizens had to participate.  The Middle Ages  Divine right of kings was established. Privileged groups (for example, nobles) were given rights.

© EMC Publishing, LLC Continuing toward American Democracy  Protestant Reformation Supporters challenged authority of Roman Catholic Church. Reformers introduced new ideas of power beyond religion.  The Enlightenment Thinkers said reason alone manages the world, controls nature.

© EMC Publishing, LLC John Locke and the Social Contract Theory  John Locke: A philosopher who supported a contract between people and government, not democracy  Social contract: The idea that people freely exchange some rights for governmental protection Contract breaks = Government fails to protect people’s rights People’s consent = Legitimate government authority

© EMC Publishing, LLC John Locke’s Ideas Influence Founding Fathers  Locke wrote while the Constitutional Convention met. “When any one, or more, shall take upon them to make laws without authority, which the people are not therefore bound to obey; by which means they come again to be out of subjection, and may institute to themselves a new legislature.” (Locke’s Second Treatise of Civil Government)

© EMC Publishing, LLC Characteristics of American Democracy  Popular sovereignty: Is based on the idea that people are a source of power to government  Republican democracy: Uses representation Madison: Wanted representative government to cool public passions Founders: Wanted representatives to be older, wiser than average citizen  Limited government: Limits governmental actions  Rule of law: Says all people must obey law of the land

© EMC Publishing, LLC Characteristics of American Democracy  Common good: The protection of individual rights and liberties while at the same time helping society  Equality as an inalienable right for all  Majority rule balanced by protection of minority rights  Compromise: Give and take in political bargaining

© EMC Publishing, LLC Your Turn Which of the following characteristics of American Democracy are most important? Rank them from 1 to 8, with 1 being most important. a.Popular sovereignty b.Limited government c.The rule of law d.Individual liberty e.The common good f.Equality g.Majority rule / protection of minority rights h.Compromise

© EMC Publishing, LLC Then versus Now  Early on, Americans did not always act for the common good.  Madison designed the republic in reaction to colonists’ self-interest.  Question: How do we behave as citizens today?

© EMC Publishing, LLC U.S. Citizens Today  Political Knowledge Most know who is president but do not recognize other elected officials.  Ideology An increasing number call themselves independents.  Tolerance Many accept others without compromising virtues.  Participation Middle and upper classes are increasingly involved in government.

© EMC Publishing, LLC Your Turn Does decreased participation mark a civic crisis in our democracy? Choose the answer that best matches your response. Be ready to explain your reasoning. a.Strongly yes b.Moderately yes c.Undecided d.Moderately no e.Strongly no