Health and social care How can you get involved? policies & strategies contracting decisions Performance monitoring implementation Assessing local needs Caroline Ashley, Community Involvement Coordinator, Richmond CVS
We all know we can vote and we can complain. What else?
1.Subscribe and join up Get the latest news Hear about events and opportunities for input Join Richmond LINk NHS Richmond database Community Involvement database Residents Forum
2. Ad hoc opportunities End of life care, pharmacy review… LINk meeting on SDS, hospital experience User and carer meetings on mental health strategies
3. Shape services in committee Join a Council or NHS Committee as User Member Carer Member Lay / LINk Member Share your perspective with decision-makers as policy is made. Adults Joint Commissioning Group NHS Richmond Board Mental Health project group on inpatient care Personalisation Programme Board and Workstreams Local Learning Disability Partnership Board Public Information Group User feedback working group (quality assurance)
4. Shape services in the voluntary sector Become a Trustee of a voluntary organisation. Shape its work, strengthen its voice. Volunteer your time. Help provide services, gather views, provide information. Hints and Tips on Finding the Right Trusteeship What are you interested in? Why are you considering trusteeship? / What do you hope to get out of it? What have you got to offer?
5. Join the dialogue with others like you Attend a voluntary/community/peer-led group that actively voices members’ concerns and has dialogue with officials YourSay! Mental Health Carers Development Group Citizen Leaders Taking Control Carers Forum Learning Disability Carers Group
6. Report on your experience Complaints PALS Quality Assurance LINk reporting Councillor or MP Council / NHS meetings On-line feedback for others to see
Does it achieve anything?
Next steps Hear experience of individuals Capture success factors and problems Contact details for ways to get involved are on your sheets Last session: tell us what question you have or further support you would like.
What makes involvement work? What experience do you have? Good or bad? What good practice should be shared? What support is needed? What questions do you have?
For all further information This presentation was given on Wednesday 28 th April 2010 as part of “The Introduction to your local health and social care services” day. For all information and other materials relating to this day please visit