The NCSP in London-A focus on quality and productivity Meroe Bleasdille –NCSP Regional Facilitator London Marie Kernec- NCSP Programme Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

The NCSP in London-A focus on quality and productivity Meroe Bleasdille –NCSP Regional Facilitator London Marie Kernec- NCSP Programme Manager

Maintaining the focus on young people’s sexual health Sexual health including Chlamydia and STI testing is an important public health issue for young people. 2010/11NHS Operating Framework business as usual for all Tier 2 VSI including the Chlamydia target 35% and the DH has confirmed a commitment to continue the NCSP after April 2011 Young people are entitled to high quality, youth friendly sexual health services in their local community that provide access to both testing and treatment in a timely manner.

London Q / % of PCTs have met their internal target! CS = NCSP Core Services London - Internal trajectory Data as of Based on VSI criteria

Proportion of positive cases by venue type Data as of NCSP tests only. Based on those aged years. VSI criteria

Percentage of positive index patients reported as treated: Data as of Internal target

Number of partners treated per index case Data as of

Quality Assurance in London Young people need to receive clear and consistent safer sex messages when offered a test Quality assure all elements of the Chlamydia testing pathway and curtail malpractice Continue to meet results turnaround standards However as a region we need to limit barriers to treatment at all stages of the Chlamydia pathway

Suggested Chlamydia Indicator 2011/12 Outcome based (not process based) Prevalence – not practical to measure at local level ‘Composite’ indicator of variables predicting fall in prevalence (coverage and positivity) At PCT or its equivalent level Measurable with routine data collections NHS Outcome Framework Consultation – submission Rates of chlamydia diagnoses in 15 to 24 year olds (all venues) per 100,000 population with positivity within a range

Summary NCSP Costing Tool - Context Following 2009 NCSP costing review and guidance Following NAO report and PAC response Liberating the NHS White paper – greater transparency in costs ; supporting the NHS to deliver on QIPP Linked with SH tariffs development : Provider Pathway Analytics Main objectives : –to support PCTs to identify their chlamydia testing costs for previous year –to support PCTs to plan costs for subsequent year –to provide benchmarking Developed with input from commissioners Delay (roll out originally planned during summer 2010) ;current reviewed timeline : finalisation of the tool beg. Dec 2010 ; roll out Dec 2010 / Jan 2011

Summary NCSP Costing Tool Submission Choose year 2009/10 – 2010/11 – 2011/12 Create a contract for each service or provider and submit costs and activity data General Practitioner; Sexual and Reproductive Health 3rd sector; GUM; Termination of Pregnancy; Community pharmacy; Remote testing; Outreach; Other providers; Kits provision or assembly; Laboratory.. Sexual Reproductive Health block contract pre-populated with costs from the NCSP costing study 2009 (similar to costs from SRH tariff development) Sexual Reproductive Health tariffs will be built in Coordination and overheads

Example – Submission

Summary NCSP Costing Tool Reports and key outputs Cost and activity break down report Overall cost per “test” (=per testing episode, whole chlamydia testing care pathway) Overall cost per positive Cost per client negative ; cost per client positive Detailed costs per step of the chlamydia testing care pathway Detailed costs per channel / settings (to support operational strategy) Benchmark reports Benchmark on all costs described above Compare costs to similar size PCTs Compare costs to national/ regional average Identify where it could be possible to reduce costs throughout the pathway

Example - Report

Next steps Tests / costing study 2009 and a few PCTs Finalisation of the tool beg. Dec 2010 Roll out - Dec 2010 / Jan 2011 RFs support in each region NCSP central support Adapted training sessions – early 2011

Thank you