American Government Unit 2
Lesson 8 What were the Articles of Confederation, and why did some founders want to change them? Objective: Describe the United States’ first national constitution, the Articles of Confederation. Explain why some people thought the government under the Articles was not strong enough.
Why and how were the Articles of Confederation created? 1776-1780- writing state constitutions & trying to deal with economic & political relationships among states. Ben Franklin- suggested a central gov’t at the 2nd Continental Congress, but independence took top priority. Sovereign states formed a confederacy to have a central government for specified purposed.
Why and how were the Articles of Confederation created? June 7, 1776- Richard Henry Lee introduces two resolutions to the 2nd Continental Congress: One for independence. One for a government. From these two we get: Declaration of Independence Articles of Confederation
What problems did the Articles of Confederation address? Fear of a strong central gov’t: When the war began, each state was its own country Most delegates agreed that to win they needed a centralized gov’t Scared of gov’t (b/c Britain deprived them of rights) Agreed to form a “firm league of friendship” Article 2 of AOC: “each state retains its sovereignty, freedoms and independence and every power jurisdiction, and right”
What problems did the Articles of Confederation address? Fear of a strong central gov’t: continued… AOC- states cannot: Send/receive ambassadors from foreign nations Lay duties that conflicted w/ national agreements Keep a militia larger than what is need to defend their state AOC- Congress cannot: Have authority over any person in any state. No power to collect taxes from states or people direct No power to regulate trade among states
What problems did the Articles of Confederation address? Fear that some states would dominate others in the central gov’t: Votes in Congress: equal or based on population? Apportionment of war expenses: divide it up based on total population (including slaves) or on free population? Western territories become national domain to later be sold and pay off war debt?? Solutions…..
What problems did the Articles of Confederation address? Article V: each state has 1 vote. Article VIII: formula for requesting funds based on amount of settled, improved land (hard to measure) Articles of Confederation were ratified on March 1, 1781.
What were the achievements of the national government under the Articles of Confederation? Revolutionary War conducted under the gov’t Secured recognition of American independence by foreign countries Didn’t have a separate executive or judicial, but had executive department to handle affairs. Northwest Ordinance 1787: Defined Northwest territory Policy for statehood Slavery forever prohibited in Northwest Territory Set aside land to be used for schools
What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? No power to tax. Congress could make agreements w/ foreign powers, but no power to make the states adhere to these agreements. Congress has no power to regulate trade among states. Congress has no power to make laws to regulate the behavior of citizens
Problems that arose: Treaty of Paris1783 – protection of loyalists – no way to enforce. Localists vs. Cosmopolitans Too much democracy in the states: Majority rule was not protecting rights of individuals on the common good.
Attempts to solve problems: Sought to amend taxation powers – amendments need unanimous approval . No changes. National convention called to discuss changes to Articles. Meet in Philadelphia. Before they met, something happened…
How did Shays’ rebellion result in support for change? 1786- Group of Massachusetts farmers rebel due to economic reasons. Federal gov’t cannot put down the rebellion. Shows the weakness of the federal gov’t.
How did Shays’ rebellion result in support for change? Meeting that was scheduled to discuss amending the Articles of Confederation is changed to the Constitutional Convention. Throw it out! We need something entirely different! BTW…this was Treason…
Finishing up! Reflection on Learning Write two things you learned. Write one thing you already knew. Write one thing you want to know more about.