Status Report: Associate Degrees for Transfer to CSU Charles Jennings Dean of Student Learning and Assessment Jack Saunders Articulation Officer 1
Background The Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act (SB 1440 – Padilla), signed into legislation on September 29, 2010, enables the California Community Colleges and California State University to collaborate on the creation of Associate in Arts Degree (AA-T) and Associate in Science (AS-T) Degree transfer programs. The law requires community colleges to grant a 60-unit associate degree for transfer once a student has met general education and major requirements. Upon completion of the associate degree for transfer, the student is eligible for admission with junior standing into the California State University (CSU) system. 2
Benefits Guaranteed admission into CSU system Priority admission when applying to a particular program that is similar to the student’s community college major The law prohibits CSU from requiring a transferring student to repeat courses similar to those taken at the community college that counted toward their associate degree for transfer The law prohibits CSU from requiring more than an additional 60 units for the Bachelor’s degree 3
Transfer Model Curriculum In response to Senate Bill 1440 (Padilla, 2010), the Academic Senates for California Community Colleges and California State University decided to develop a faculty-led, state-wide, effort to identify course content for the new associate degrees for transfer. The C-ID infrastructure is being used to develop and vet the transfer model curriculum (TMC) in the most common transfer majors. Associate degrees for transfer are either AS-T degrees (for STEM and CTE programs) or AA-T degrees (for all other programs). 4
Goals The Board of Governors has established a goal that by Fall 2013, each community college shall offer AA-T/AS-T degrees in 80% of the majors they currently offer for which there is a TMC. The Board of Governors has established a goal that by Fall 2014, each community college shall offer AA-T/AS-T degrees in 100% of the majors they currently offer for which there is a TMC. 5
AA-T/AS-T Degrees at Delta College Finalized Transfer Model Curriculum (Jan. 2013) Current SJDC Major Approved/A ctive Pending Approval Under Development Administration of Justice/Criminal JusticeX X Anthropology X Art History Business Administration X Communication StudiesXX Computer Science Early Childhood Education (ECE)X X Elementary EducationX X EnglishX X Geography Geology X HistoryX X Journalism Kinesiology X MathematicsXX MusicX X Philosophy PhysicsX Political Science X PsychologyXX Sociology Spanish X Studio ArtsX X TheatreX X
Status of Transfer Degrees at Delta College Status Current SJDC Majors with TMC11 Active AA-T/AS-T Degrees4 Transfer Degrees Pending Approval6 Transfer Degrees Under Development8 Planned for Fall 13 (90%)10 Planned for Fall 14 (163%)18 7